Chapter 1: The First Day

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A/N: This first story is from my first book. Go check it out! The rest will not be.

Your POV
Yea, I'm the Tony Stark's one and only daughter. I'm homeschooled so people don't know I exist,besides the Avengers, for my "protection" as my dad likes to say. I'm so sick of it. Apparently there is a new recruit of the Avengers, Spider-man. He's moving into the Avengers HQ. So it's another person to meet. Apparently his 16 just like me which I think is strange. He is so young.

My dad arrives in his private jet on a hot summer day with so called Spider-man. "Hi sweetie."

"Hi dad." I look behind him and see a brown eyed brown curly hair boy. He's really cute too.

"Woah Mr. Stark I didn't know you had a daughter. Um hi i'm Parker Peter. Wait no I'm Peter Parker," I hear Peter whisper to himself "stupid". I blushed.

Peters POV

"Hi I'm y/n Stark. Nice to meet you," says this gorgeous give with beautiful y/e/c and perfect y/c/h. "So, my dad told me to show you around and to your room, so let's go."

She shows me around the whole place. Of course I already knew everybody, and they could tell that I thought she was pretty. They all made fun of me and told me to change her last name to Parker.

"Well, this is where your gonna sleep. If you ever need me I'm the next door down." She shows me my room and it had a huge tv with a queen sized bed. My suit was already in the closet.

"Woah, this is so cool. I glad i'm staying here," I say looking in her eyes. "Me too, I'm glad I finally have someone to talk to my age. Can't wait to get to know you. I can help you unpack after dinner, and then we can watch a movie if you like," y/n says.

"Omg yes that would be great," I sound too exited and try to play it cool. "I mean yea totally."

"Great see you then." She winks at you and walks away. You could feel your face getting read while you scream, "Oh yea!"

Her head pops back into my room, "I heard that Parker. Btw for dinner we all meet in the dining room at 6. It's a tradition, but no one made it official, you know?" I nod my head and then she walks away.

Your POV

It was after dinner, and me and Tom go into his room. He didn't have much to unpack besides clothes. So I decide to let him do his own thing while you turn on the T.V. I see him starting to unload the suit case and put everything the the dresser and in the closet.

He was setting up his collection of hoodies and zip ups in his closet when I notice something odd. "So do all of your underwear have Spider-man on them, or is the just one?" He looks over to his suit case and closes it immediately, I saw his face turn bright red.

"Um.. I have no idea what your talking about. I think you might have hallucinations or something."

"I'm playing with you." I laugh when he obviously is embarrassed. He finishes it up and I was bored out of your mind. "Do you want to see something really cool?" He nods his head, while I grab his hand and pull you into your room.

"Not trying to be rude, but what's so amazing?" Peter asks when he was obviously confused.

"Push that button behind the T.V." He looks at the button and back at me. "Come on, trust me, Parker." He turns around and touches the small button. Out of no where a large door pops up and Peter jumps. I walk open to the the door and say, "Welcome to my secret superhero suit stash. Also known as the forrest. Because 4S sounds like it. I know it isn't clever."

"I love it, y/n. I didn't know you were a superhero. Mr. Stark did really good on the suits."

"He didn't make them, I did. Did you not hear me say secret? My dad won't let me help with crime or anything like that because he doesn't want me to get hurt. I have done all of his baby drills and avenger test and passed all of them with this suit without him knowing. The only person who knows about this is Wanda and Cap. Even if they told him this he would never let me join," I say looking down at the ground with disappointment.

"Well i'm sure if your dad knew you made all of these amazing suits, that he would give you a shot. Maybe one day we can battle," both of you chuckle.

"Yea sure, but prepare to lose. This is the only thing i do here, so I had lots of practice," I say winking at Peter.

"So um y/n, I was wondering if you um..." I knew exactly what he was going to ask so you move closer to him and pulled him into a kiss. He breaks the kiss and asks "Was it that obvious?"

"The Mrs. Parker thing gave it away."

"Wait wait what about your dad? He's going to kill me."

"Who says he has to know?" i say when giving him a smirk. He pulls me into another kiss, putting his hands on my hips and mine rapped around his neck. All I heard now was a scream from your dad yelling "Peter!" out from the hallway.

He breaks the kiss immediately and starts to walk out the door. "Btw, I think you would be an amazing superhero," Peter says then winks at you which made you blush.

Peter Parker X Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now