Chapter 23: Silence

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Peter's POV

I had no choice but to walk out of the house. I get in the car and say, "Drive back to the headquarters." I just sat there in the car for 20 minutes crying. I couldn't protect her. The one person I care for most, I couldn't protect.

I arrive back at the headquarters and hear everyone fighting. "I told you that they shouldn't have gone. They have her now!" yells Wanda.

"You don't think I know that. They said Jack wasn't going to be there. That's not my fault," says Mr. Stark. Everyone started talking and yelling until they saw me. They all turn to me, and shut their mouths.

"T-this is all my fault. I couldn't do anything to protect her," I say, tears running down my face.

"It isn't your fault, Peter. It's Jack's fault. No one is to blame but Jack. So now let's stop fighting, and get y/n back. She is the only thing that matters right now," says Mr. Stark. We all agree and I wipe away my tears. I will get you back y/n.


"So, your part of his plan aren't you?" I ask Stephanie.

"Of course I was darling. Why else would I be here if I wasn't? Oh and please, call me mom," she says.

I laugh, "Oh because kidnapping me is how you get that title. You abandoned me. You're not my mother."

"You were right Jack. She is a confident one. Yet, they usually don't make it out alive," she says. She walks towards me holding a towel over my mouth and nose. "Just breath darling. This part won't hurt." Then everything goes dark, and I black out.

I woke up, in what felt like the same dark room as the first kidnapping, but it wasn't. This time I'm hooked up to a chair with tubes going into my arms. Next to the chair on my right and left, is a machine.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well," Stephanie asks. I just sit in silence. I just think, don't answer or talk to them at all, because you can make the situation worse. "Not a talker now, huh?"

"That will be her problem then. So, y/n, this is how things are going to work. I will ask you a question and you will answer. And if you don't, let's just say it won't be pleasant. Does that sound good to you? Oh, and by the way, your powers won't work in here, so don't bother," Jack says. I still ignore him, knowing I will be in a lot of pain soon.

"Well, let's get started. So, how did you get your powers?" Stephanie asks. I don't even know how I got my powers, so even if I do answer, I would still get whatever they are going to do. I don't say anything. Why does he always ask about that anyways? "See being brave doesn't make you a hero."

Stephanie walks next to the machine on my right. "Don't worry this will hurt." She turns a knob and switches a switch. One knife comes out of both machines and starts cutting into both of my arms. I wince in pain. It makes one deep line on my biceps and it stops. Blood starts dripping down both of my arms.

"And that is only one level. There are much more and worse things we can do," says Jack. "Well since you obviously won't answer that question, we can move on to another one. How about, how does your father make his suits?" I remember when I was a kid, he was making his first suit. He was so proud. Yet again, I say nothing.

"Stop trying to be a hero!" yells Jack. "You are nothing like your father, or any of the stupid avengers!" He takes a deep breath. "So again, how does your father make his suits?" I was so boiled up with anger, I just wanted to punch him in the face, both of them. I again stay silent.

"You stupid girl," Stephanie says. She then turns a knob and electricity goes through my body. I scream in pain for at least 10 seconds. She turns it off, and I'm out of breath.

Something comes over me, and electricity comes shooting out of my hands, hitting Jack and Stephanie. The shock makes Stephanie pass out. The machine turns off and I'm unhooked from the seat. Jack grabs a bat, hitting me in the stomach. I turn to him pushing him against the wall with my powers, making him go unconscious.

I find the door of the room and run into a hallway. I can't find a door, just a window. I open the window and look down the 24 story building. Lucky enough for me I see Peter as Spider-man down there and the rest of the Avengers.

"Peter," I say as loud as I can, holding my stomach in pain. Peter looks up, wearing his mask, but I can tell he is smiling from ear to ear. "Make a web so I can jump!"

"Are you crazy? No, I'm coming up there," he says.

"No, we won't have enough time, just do it." Peter agrees and makes a web underneath the window. I slowly get up on the window, and fall into the webbing.

Peter's POV

We are now at the current main of Chris Industries, where y/n tracker said she would be. Y/n falls in the webbing, and I run over and get her out of the webbing. I pick her up bridal style and I see the blood all over her arms, and see that she is barely staying with us. "Guys, she is barely awake, we need to get her to a hospital now."

"Peter swing her to a hospital now," says Mr. Stark. I do exactly what he says and swing to the hospital that is two streets down. "Come on y/n, stay with me here. I need you." I get in the emergency room and yell, "Please someone help her." Two nurses came running up to her and put her on a trolley, and wheels her away.

I ran back out of the building to see the van we drove in to get here. They brought me clothes and I went back inside as Peter. They can't go in because it would look suspicious to other people if the Avengers are in a girls hospital room.

I wait in the waiting room, to get some news back. Any news, I just need to know that she is alright. "Peter Parker?" I shot up my head and saw the nurse. I walk towards her hoping for some good news.


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