Chapter 19: Trivia Night

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It has been 3 days in this lockdown Dad put us in. No one was able to leave, and no one could come in. All I have been doing is watching Netflix and hanging out with Peter. He keeps trying to distract me from everything. I haven't got much sleep ever since the kidnapping. I just lay in my bed, thinking and staying alert, and if I do sleep, I just have nightmares.

I'm in the same dark room, with the same 3 people, and the same weapons. I'm tied to the chair, blood all over me. "Y/n Stark, since you won't do what we want, we got your family. Tony, Steve, Wanda, Thor, everyone. Even your spidey-boy," says Jack. The light turns on and behind them is every single Avenger. All of them are tied to the chair they are sitting on, with bandanas over their mouth, so they can't talk.

"What do you want from me? Please, I will do anything, just let them go," I say. Jack just laughs at me. He walks over to Dad and steps behind his chair.

"The only thing I want is for Tony Stark here to suffer. Tony cares about you. So, your death would bring him pain. The other Avengers are just a bonus." He walks back over to you and everyone tries to scream through the bandanas, but fails. The guy with the gun hands Jack the gun.

Jack walks closer and closer to me. He points the gun to my head and says, "Say goodnight, forever." He starts to laugh and pulls the trigger.

"No!" I sat up on my bed. I look around and realize I was just in my bed, in my room. I'm sweating like crazy and I'm hyperventilating. Peter runs into my room, and I jump when he opens the door.

"Stark, sorry for scaring you. I heard you scream, and I got worried. Is everything okay?" he says. He walks over to sit next to me on my bed, and holds my hand. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I have never been more terrified in my life. I have never been so vulnerable with my feelings.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm going to protect you no matter what. I love you." He moves in closer and hugs me, and kisses me on the forehead. This is when all of my worries go away.

"I love you too." I look over to the clock and it reads 2:54am. "Um, c-can you stay in here? If not I will be-"

Peter cuts me off and says, "Of course gorgeous." I moved over more so he could lay down with more room. I lay back down, my arm wrapped around his waist, my head on his chest, hearing is heartbeat. For some reason it was soothing. His arms wrapped around mine, making me feel safe.

I woke up in Peter's arms, him already awake. "Good morning, beautiful," he kisses you on your forehead. I look back up at him, with his messy, adorable hair, and kiss him on the lips.

"Good morning, Parker." Right before I could kiss him again, Dad slams the door open, "Morning, bean, we got a sur... Peter Parker why are you in her bed?" he says. Peter sat up and jumped out of the bed. He's so cute when he is nervous.

"Oh, calm down Dad. Nothing happened. I had a bad dream, and he came in here to calm me down. Anyways what's up?" I say.

"Well, come out we have a surprise for you and Peter." I get up and follow Dad. He walks us to the living room, where everyone already is in.

"What's going on here?" Peter asks.

"We planned a Avengers game night, aka trivia with a twist" Thor says very excitedly.

"We would have told Peter, but he would have spoiled it," says Steve with a chuckle.

"Hey! I kept my Spider-man secret from the whole world, right. I think I could have kept that," says Peter, and everyone started laughing.

"Of course you could Spidey-boy. Oo, I like that," I say with a smile. Peter just shakes his head, knowing that will never do away.

"Okay so we are splitting up into 2 teams. Steve, Thor, Nat, Bruce and Peter against Tony, Wanda, Clint, me and y/n. Vision will be the judge," says Bucky. He came in before the lockdown during a mission. He is just like a big brother to me, I missed him when he wasn't here.

"Well you're going down, Spidey-boy," I say leaving Peter's side next to Tony.

"You're never going to forget that, are you?" he says. I shake my head no, while laughing. "Whatever Stark. Let's get started, I have some winning to do."

We all separate into the teams, making the questions, for the trivia. Once we were all ready and did the questions, my team sat on the couch, with the other team sitting on the couch across from us with Vision in the middle.

"Alright so here's how the game works. Each team made questions about each other, and if you get them right, your team gets a point. If your team loses... well, that's another surprise. Thank you Thor for the idea," says Vision while Thor smirks. "Anyways let's get started.

A couple questions in a no one has got the questions wrong yet. The score is tied 4-4. "Okay, next question is how old is Thor?" asked Vision. Thor knows that no one knows the exact year. He wanted us to get it wrong, so we would get the surprise when I got it wrong. I look over to Thor and he looks happier than ever.

The whole team talks over an answer and comes up with an answer. "He is uh, 1504 years old..." I say. I look back at Thor and he has a poker face, waiting for Vision to say incorrect or correct.

"That is... incorrect," says Vision. I look back at Thor and know that if they get the next question right they win, and the question was about me. "Next question, and if you get this right you win. What is one thing y/n does when she's stressed?" I knew no one would get it because I didn't talk about my feelings, until I saw Peter's face light up.

"Hot chocolate! She drinks hot chocolate!" Peter says, without even talking to his team.

"That is correct," says Vision. Peter and his team all high five and celebrate. "Are you guys ready for the surprise?" Thor whispers to his whole team, and everyone smiles. They all grab something behind them and stand up in front of one person on the other team. Peter walks up in front of you, smiling ear to ear.

"What are you doing, Parker?" I say.

He ignores the question and says, "Ready, 3..2..1!" Everyone on his team holds a water balloon in their hand and throws it at the person in front of them. My whole team is now soaked.

"Parker!" I say laughing, but he laughs harder. Then an idea pops into my head. I walk closer to Peter embracing him in a hug so he would get wet as well.

"Get off, Stark. You're getting me wet!" I just continue to laugh, him trying to get out of my arms. He eventually gives up and hugs me back. "I'm going to get you back."

"Sure you will, Spidey-boy."

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