Chapter 25: The Conference

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Dad walks into my room, 2 hours before the conference. "Hey, bean. Are you sure this is what you want?" Dad asks. "This is a really big decision. I don't want you to regret this."

"Yes, Dad. I'm sure. Now get out so I can get ready. I don't want to look bad when I'm announced to the whole world," I say. He chuckles and leaves the room. I walk into my bathroom and take a shower.

Once I'm done, I put on the same black romper Dad got me not so long ago. It's my favorite outfit to wear. It's simple yet nice. I blow dry my hair and lightly curl it. I get my TK earrings, and black high top converses. "TK, transfer yourself to my earrings." I still have an hour before the conference, so I go to Peter's room.

I knock on the door and a couple seconds later Peter opens the door shirtless. Wow, he is really ripped. "Oh, hey Stark. Sorry I was getting ready," he says and grabs a shirt. I go into his room and sit on his bed. "You look great Stark."

"You don't look too shabby yourself, Spidey," I say. He walks over to his bed, pulling me into a kiss.

"So, what do you say, Spider-man and wait you don't have a super name. Well either way, we should be a team, besides the avengers, obviously," Peter says. He looked so happy to become a fighting team.

"Well, let's see. Let's let the people decide. I mean they did that for Dad, and look how good that turned out," I say with a laugh.

"Alrighty then. But it better be good," The next hour passes quickly and it's now time for the meeting.

"Last time to back out, are you sure you want this?" Dad asks. We are standing in the back of the conference room, and it's jammed packed with reporters and journalists. All of the Avengers were here as well, scattered throughout the room.

"Yes Dad. Let's get this show on the road." Dad nods and we both walk up to the front of the room. I stand off to the side while he walks up to the podium.

"Hello everybody. I just want to say thank you for everyone coming in such short notice. Welcome. So you all may know that I said that I had some big news. We have been keeping this away from the public for a long time now." He looks over to me for reassurance.

"I have a daughter." The whole room gasps and starts asking a whole bunch of questions. He waves me over and I walk next to him. There were so many flashes it was hard to focus. "Her name is Y/n Stark. She is turning 16 very soon. Questions?"

One reporter asks, "Does she have powers, if so what?"

I reply, "Yes, I have telekinesis."

Another reporter asks, "Why did you keep her from the public?" Before either one of us got to answer, a whole group of people, maybe 12 guys, with guns and weapons entered the conference room. None of them were Jack or Stephanie, all different people I never saw.

One of the men pulls out the same device Jack had to freeze me and Peter, but this time freezes the audience, even the Avengers. The only people that could move were me and Dad.

"Uh, what do we do?" I ask.

"Let's kick some ass." I use my powers to push all of them back against the wall. Knocking little less than half of them out, giving Dad time to get his suit on. One guy runs up to me, and tries to freeze me, with a device. Before he could I use my powers to make it land in my hand, freezing all of them.

I unfreeze all of the audience, and the avengers, and Peter runs up to me, while the audience applauds. "That was sick, Stark. Are you okay?"

"Oh yea. Not even a scratch," I say to Peter. "Looks like I didn't need you out there, huh Ironman," I say towards Dad, with his suit on.

"I guess not, bean. Peter is right though. That was sick." We all laughed and continued the conference. The meeting was soon over, and they caught all of the fighting on video. Soon articles were up all over the place.






I laugh at all the articles, never thinking that this would ever happen. Everyone finally knows about me, and it's not awkward at all. "The people have spoken. Control is my new name. It's simple yet dangerous," I say during dinner.

"Yes, it's interesting. Well, today went well," says Steve.

"Yea, not as planned either," says Clint.

"Couldn't have gone better in my opinion," says Bucky, and everyone breaks out in laughter. "I'm being serious. Everyone thinks that y/n is a hero, so they won't want anything bad to happen to her."

"True that," Thor says. "So has any electricity come out of your hands again?"

"Nope, maybe it was just a one time thing," I say. I grab my fork and it starts turning red. "Or maybe not." I let go and saw that my hand is red.

"Ooo, is there going to be a mini Thor?" says Wanda.

"I don't think anyone wants that," says Peter, in laughter.

"Well, I can test it after dinner," says Dad. After dinner I went with me and Dad went to his lab. He draws some blood from me and then he starts testing it.

"Do you actually think I could have another power?" I ask Dad, waiting for the results.

"It is very possible." We waited a couple of moments and then we heard FRIDAY say, "Mr. Stark, the results came back positive. It seems that the opening from y/n's arms got when she got electricuted, the electricity got caught in her blood. She has the power of electricity, where she can shoot lightning bolts out of her hands, electrocute someone if they touch her, and more."

"This is awesome. I have another power, sick. Does this mean more training?" I ask. He nods his head.

"We can start tomorrow morning." We walked out of his lab, and headed to the living room. In the living room, Peter, Thor and Bucky were all there.

"So, do we have a tiny Thor on our hands," says Thor.

I sit next to Peter on the couch and say, "I guess so." Everyone cheers and I continue. "It's basically that I can just shoot lightning bolts out of my hands and electrocute people by touch."

"Sick, Stark," says Peter, kissing me on the cheek.

"I wouldn't touch her, kid. Until we know she can control it. We don't want you fried. Anyways, bean, you start school with Peter in 2 weeks," Dad says. I smiled so big, and I was about to hug Peter, but stopped knowing I can't.

This can't get any better.

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