Chapter 29: When you had the Chance

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Stephanie and Jack didn't notice that I cut the strap off, with a knife I grabbed from the kitchen before she knocked me out, while they were talking. I can feel myself regain the power again. I cut the rope around my hands, keeping them in that position until the time was right.

"Good-bye, Y/n Stark," Stephanie says, holding a gun up to my head. I used one of the moves that Nat taught me to grab the gun, now in one of my hands pointing at her head, the other one pointing at Jack.

"You should have killed me, when you had the chance. You aren't going to be hurting me, or my family," I say.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me, the woman who abandoned you when you're a baby. The woman that tried to kill you a minute ago. Do it before it's too late," Stephanie says.

"Well, unlike you, I'm not going to kill anyone. That's wrong. But, I have no problem hurting you," I say. I pointed the gun at her thigh, and shot her. I electrocute Jack enough to knock him out, not harming him.

Peter's POV

I can't just wait here, hoping y/n is okay. My senses are going off like crazy. Maybe that's how I can track her. Trust my senses. I can't tell Mr. Stark that I'm going, because he won't let me. I have to go by myself.

I grab my suit, and quickly put it on, not wanting to waste any time. I opened my window, and climbed out, and started swinging to where it felt right. I arrived at an abandoned hotel, but I think I got it wrong.

Y/n's POV

I drop the gun, and I start running out of the room, but I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around, and it's Stephanie, with not even a scratch on her.

"You should have killed when you had the chance," she says. Cruel, using my own words against me. "I know you're going to ask how, but it is another device, you don't need details."

"Yea, I don't really care," I say and start running again. Somehow I was thrown against the wall, and now I'm not moving. She used her freezing device. I should have seen that coming. Stephanie walks in front of me, so that I can look at her.

"You know, powers run in the family." How have I not seen this coming? Obviously I got it from her, there is no other explanation. She unfreezes my head, so I was able to talk.

"Congratulations, I still don't see why you need me so much?" I mention.

"So I can strengthen my powers, darling," She answers.

"Then you're proving that you're wrong. You said that you want to show the world that they don't need the Avengers, yet you're just gaining more power. You need our power to defeat us, so you do need us," I say. She doesn't reply. I flustered her, making her silence.

"Silent, huh. Guess I outsmarted you. The world needs the Avengers to help, whether you like it or not," I continued.

"Oh be quiet darling. This may sting, but I don't care." She pulls out yet another device and presses the button. I unfreeze, but she is taking away my energy, my powers. I scream in pain, trying to fight it, but fail. I can see the device absorb my powers.

After a couple seconds it was done. I have no more powers. I get up yet fail. I'm now useless.

"Thanks for your powers. But I better get going, good-bye now." She disappears in a cloud of dark dust, and I'm left there on the floor, being too weak to get up. Just waiting for someone to save me. How pathetic, I'm supposed to be saving people, yet I can't even save myself. Tears well up in my eyes, knowing I won't be able to make Dad proud.

All of a sudden I hear a thump on the ground. "H-hello, is anyone there?" I say, wiping away my tears, trying to act brave.

"Stark?" a familiar voice says. It's Peter. He runs over to me, and I break down into tears again, in his arms. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone. This is my fault. I love you so much, y/n, I don't know what I would do to myself if they harmed you."

I couldn't say anything. I could barely even sit up. "I. They-" I started, but Peter interrupts me with a kiss. I couldn't bear to tell him, I just wanted to go home. Which is what he did. He held onto me while he swung me home.

We arrive and walk in through the front door. We went in the elevator and automatically saw Dad, Steve, Wanda and Bucky scattered in the living room and kitchen. Peter had to help me walk over as they all ran over to me.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you're okay," says Dad, as they all hug me. Yet I wasn't okay. I can't take care of myself, let alone be an avenger. It's probably a good thing she took my powers, I don't deserve them.

All of a sudden I black out.

Peter's POV

Y/n just passed out in my arms. I knew she was tired, but not enough to pass out. "Oh my Thor! Is she okay?" I say, panicking.

Mr. Stark checks her pulse, and nods saying that she was still alive. I felt a weight fly off my chest. She is going to be okay. She has to be.

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