Chapter 24: What will we do?

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Peter's POV

I wait in the waiting room, to get some news back. Any news, I just need to know that she is alright. "Peter Parker?" I shot up my head and saw the nurse. I walk towards her hoping for some good news.

"She is awake. She did lose a lot of blood, and we gave her stitches on her arms, to heal the wound. She will be alright. You can come back and see her now," the nurse said. The nurse led me to y/n's room and I saw her laying in the hospital bed.

"Y/n. You're alright," I say and I walk towards the bed. I lay a light kiss on her lips. I looked and saw the stitches on her arms, the stitches that I couldn't protect her from.

Y/n's POV

I see that Peter looked at the stitches on my arms, and his eyes started to water. "I am so sorry I couldn't protect you. This is my fault," he says.

"Peter, none of this is your fault. I would never want your identity to go out just because of me. It was my choice to go, and you didn't do this to me. You have no reason to be sorry. I love you, Parker," I say, wiping away the tear running down his cheek.

"I love you too, Stark. Uh, the avengers can't come in so you can use my phone to call Mr. Stark," Peter says while handing me his phone. I dial Dad's number and he automatically picks it up.

"What's up Peter. Is she okay?"

"I'm a good Dad. I will be okay."

"Oh, bean. I'm so happy to hear your voice. I will take you home today and put you in our hospital room okay? I will see you soon. I love you."

"Okay, Dad. See you then. Love you too." I ended the call and told Peter that I am going home.
I arrived home, and I have been put in the hospital room here. Everyone has been in and out, checking on me, but Peter stayed.

It's around 6, and I get up to eat dinner, when Peter went to go use the bathroom. I slowly but surely get to the kitchen, not wanting people to do it for me, and I see Peter running behind me.

"Oh my Thor, y/n. Don't scare me like that. What are you doing up? You should be resting," says Peter.

"Come on Spidey-boy, I just wanted some food. Plus it is really boring just staying in there all day. I needed a new place of scenery," I say walking to the fridge. Two steps before I get to the fridge, I trip on my feet, falling on the fridge.

"Stark, can you at least sit at the island. I can get you your food," Peter suggests. I nod and Peter helps me to sit down at the island. He grabs me some soup and we eat together.

The rest of the night consisted of watching movies with Peter, being checked up on 24/7 and sneaking out of the hospital room, to get snacks or to go to the mini arcade.
It's the next day, and I got no sleep at all. I was trying to figure out why they wanted to know about my powers and my Dad's suit. All I can think is that the suit and my powers is our source of 'strength', and how it makes us unique.

I knew that today we were going to have another meeting. I always wanted to be a part of the meetings, but now when they are about me, it just takes all of the heroicness out of it. When they need to talk about how to save me, even though I'm an avenger, I can't save myself. What kind of avenger can't save themselves?

My thoughts were interrupted by Peter's voice, "Stark, are you listening to me?"

"Oh, uh, sorry. What did you say?" I respond.

"The meeting is starting. Here, let me help you get up."

"No, I got it." I get out of the bed, and stumble walking over to the door. "Fine, maybe I do need help," I say disappointed in myself. Peter gladly helps me to the meeting room. I sit down, in the same place as always, just wanting to leave right away.

"Okay, bean. What do you remember from last night? Don't worry if you don't remember," says Dad.

"I was strapped into a chair with 2 machines next to me. Stephanie and Jack asked me how I got my powers, just like last time. This time I didn't say a word to them, so they cut into my arms. Then they asked how you made your suits, and yet again I stayed quiet," I started to shake. I calmed myself down and continued.

"This time they electrocuted me for maybe 10 seconds or something. I have no idea how this happened, but electricity shot out of my fingers, hitting Jack and Stephanie, and it knocked Stephanie out. The straps unhooked me, then I used my powers to push Jack against the wall and he knocked out. That's when I went to the window."

"So you were electrocuted, and you shot lightning bolts out of your hands?" asked Steve. I nod my head.

"I think they want to do something with powers or something, because that's all they ask y/n," Peter mentions. He was right. They wanted power, but what for, and why me?

"Well, if they had to ask her, that means that they need the information. So they aren't close to accomplish anything," Nat added.

What if the world knew who I am? Maybe they wouldn't want to interrogate me, because the public will know who I am. "What if we told people I exist?" Everyone just stood there in shock about the comment I just made.

"What, no. Y/n that could put you in more danger," says Dad.

"Just listen. Think about it. If people knew I exist and knew that I have powers, then it would be harder for them to take me and not get caught. I could go to public school with Peter. Plus, it's summer right now, and Peter school starts in 2 weeks, so it's the perfect time."

No one answered for a minute until Wanda broke the silence. "She's right. Plus, we don't have to worry about keeping her a secret anymore."

Dad didn't answer for a minute until he said, "Fine, we can do it. We can have a press conference here, and announce it then. I will schedule it for tomorrow, and just saw I have big news." I did not think they would actually agree with my plan. People are going to know who I am now. I can make friends, and not just sit at the headquarters all day. This is going to be great.

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