Chapter 22: Meeting Mother

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"Good morning, y/n. It is time to wake up and get ready," TK says through the AI speaker in my room. I slowly sat up on my bed, dreading the day that was about to happen. I get up out of bed, walking to my bathroom. I take a nice warm shower, letting all of my stress go away, or so I hope.

I got out and brushed my teeth. I blow dry my hair and lightly curl it. I wash my face then put on some light makeup. I put on a pair of light blue jeans, with a white tank top and a purple cardigan.

(your outfits)

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(your outfits)

When I'm sitting down, putting on my brown boots, Peter walks in. He is wearing dark blue jeans, with a button up red shirt and a blue jacket. "I didn't know what to wear, so I just went in this."

"You look great, Spidey-boy," I say and get to pull him into a kiss. "Are you ready?" Peter nods his head, and pecks you on the lips again. He interlocks his fingers with your and you head out of your room.

Right before you walk out you remember something, "Hold on. I forgot something." I went to my dresser and got my AI watch and earrings and said, "TK, transfer yourself to my earrings and watch. Okay, now I'm ready." We walk out of my room and to the kitchen. I didn't eat anything today, so I grabbed a quick granola bar and went to my dad's office.

"Hey Dad. I just need the microphone, where are you putting it?" I ask. Dad walks over to me with a hair tie.

"Here. Put this in your hair, and we will be able to hear everything."

"How did you do that? It feels like a regular hair tie," I say tying my hair into a half up half down hair do.

"A magician never reveals his secret," Dad says and smirks. He looks down at his watch and says, "You guys better get going or you will be late. Oh and check your food before you eat it, just in case." We both chuckle. "And tell everyone to come in here, to listen." We nod and head out the room.

We tell everyone to go into his office and then we head out of the building, for the first time in a week. "Who is going to drive us there?" Peter asks. I chuckle softly, and point to the car we used to sneak out in. "Oooohh. Got it."

We hop in the car and I say, "TK, go to (blah blah address)." The car starts driving and you have a 20 minute drive. This is where my nerves run wild. Peter notices and holds my hand.

"Stark, what's wrong?" he asks.

"This is the first time I will ever meet my mother. It's weird that I'm going to try to get information from her about who is trying to murder me," I say. "I feel bad, kind of."

"You shouldn't feel bad. If she didn't leave you and Mr. Stark then we wouldn't be in this situation, would you?"

"I-I guess not. Your right, Peter. Thank you," I say.

He makes a sarcastic gasp, "You didn't call me Parker or Spidey-boy. Are you sick?" We broke off in laughter. "Looks like we are here." We pull into a driveway in front of a beautiful house.

We get out of the car and walk up to the front door. I hesitate knocking but eventually do, and she automatically opens the door. "Hi, y/n. Wow, you look beautiful," she says.

"Thank you, so do you," I say. I gesture to Peter, "This is my boyfriend Peter." He holds his hand out for her to shake and she does.

"Well it's nice to meet you Peter. It's nice to meet both of you. Please come in." She moves out of the way and starts walking into the kitchen.

Peter whispers in my ear, "I have a bad feeling about this." I just shook him off and went into the kitchen with her and Peter followed.

"I have pasta on the stove. It won't be ready for another 15 minutes, I forgot to put it on. Would you like a drink?" my mother asks. We both asked for water and she got us a glass. She takes us to the living room and sits us down. Stephanie sits next to me on the couch and Peter sits on the chair next to the couch.

"So, tell me about you y/n," Stephanie says. I look back at Peter for reassurance and look back at her.

"Well, I'm 15 turning 16 soon. I am homeschooled, and I like to work out. I've always wanted to do something to help the world.." I continue with stuff that wouldn't reveal me too much. "Well, what about you. What are you like?"

"Um well, I married Jack 10 years ago. I don't work, because Jack just pays for everything, so I'm a stay at home mom with no one to mom." I feel like she wants me to feel bad for her but I don't at all. Honestly it is killing me to talk to her because all I can think about is how she left me.

"That's nice. I do have a question, who knows about me, because obviously the world doesn't know about me," I ask her, trying to get answers.

"Well, I think Jack only knows. I was too ashamed to tell anyone. Anything else you want to ask me?" she says.

"Well you said, on the phone, that Jack Chris works for Chris Industries. What does Chris Industries do?" I ask her, just like me and Peter planned last night.

"Well, they make some high tech technology. If I'm being honest I don't know exactly what they make." I felt like she was holding something back, like she knew something. Right before I could say anything I heard the door opening and Peter mouths to me, 'Jack'.

"Hey, honey? I'm back," says the familiar voice. It is Jack. No no no this can't be happening. He can't see either of us here. Jack enters the living room and I tense up. Stephanie stands up and welcomes him and Peter comes and sits next to me.

"Hey Jack. I thought you wouldn't be home for another week?" she says.

"I was going to surprise you." He looks over and sees me and Peter and my heart starts racing. "Who are these people?" Don't say it or you will blow your cover. Technically she doesn't know our last names so I say, "I'm y/n Easton (that was your mom's original last name) and this is Peter Williams."

Peter looks at me confused but immediately catches on, "It's nice to meet you sir." My mind thinks about the time he kidnapped me, and how I told him my name was Lily Gordon. We need to leave now, before anything else happens.

"Uh, I think that we should get going. We don't want to interrupt anything. Thank you for having us," I say and grab Peter off the couch. We headed for the door and right before I reached for it, something flew past my head, landing on the door. I tried to turn the door knob, but it burnt my hand.

I press my earring and say, "TK, alert Dad that something bad is going to happen." We turn back around and see Jack and Stephanie standing there.

"You didn't even stay for pasta. I think that's a bit rude," Jack says. He pulls out a bat, but Peter webs to and pulls it back to him, so now that he is holding it. Jack holds up a device and presses a button, and now me and Peter can't move.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? I know who you are Y/n Stark and Peter Parker. I know that the world doesn't know about your sweet Spider-man boyfriend." He says while walking closer towards me, unfreezing me.

"So, let's make a deal. You will come with me, and if you don't, your boyfriend's identity will go out to the world and so will yours." I want to use my powers to throw him against the wall and leave, but I can't do that to Peter. "Do we have a deal, y/n Stark?"

I nod slightly and Jack grabs me to his side. He unfreezes Peter, and Peter says, "No. I don't care if people know. Don't go with him." I see tears build up in his eyes.

I say under my breath knowing Jack won't hear it, but with Peter's enhanced hearing, he would. "Don't worry, TK has a tracker in it. I will be fine."

Jack says, "Too late, a deal's a deal. So run off bug boy. I have some business to do."

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