Chapter 16: By Myself

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Peter's POV

After about 3 or so hours, y/n finally stopped at a location. "They did go to the building in Montana. They had to have taken a plane, because that was quick," said Mr. Stark. We were already in Mr. Stark's private plane about an hour behind them.

Wherever you are y/n, don't tell them anything, but don't get hurt. I know I have never said this to you, but I love you, and I can't lose you.


I wake up with a pounding headache, strapped into a chair. I remember a guy with a gun telling me to 'don't say a word or I will pull the trigger', but not being knocked out.

There are 3 guys in the room, all with ski masks on. One is holding a baseball bat, and another holding a gun. The guy in the middle isn't holding anything, but is staring at me. If he was staring any harder, there would be a laser through my head.

We are in a dark room. I can't see any windows, or doors. But the room seemed way smaller than it probably is.

"Finally, someone woke up," says the guy in the middle.

"Sorry, for the disappointment. It's difficult tracking time when you're knocked out," I replied, as confident as I could, even though I wanted to cry.

"Ah, a confident one here. Well that isn't going to help you here. Well let's make a deal, shall we," the middle guy says. My wrist may be strapped to the chair, but I can still move my hands. I try to use my powers to unlock me out of the chair, before anyone notices.

Right before I could the guy says, "Oh, and don't try to use your powers, or something bad will happen." He must have known about my powers when I stopped the bullet, assuming these or the same people. "Anyways, if you tell me the information that I need, I can set you free."

"And if I don't," I say, staring into his brown eyes. Noted, brown eyes.

"Well, let's not make that an option here." He walks closer to the chair, close enough where I still can't get a good look at him. "So, y/n Stark, how did you get your powers?"

"I have no idea who this y/n Stark is," I say confidently, trying to get this over and down with.

"Oh, really. Then who are you?" Crap, what name do I say. Crap.Crap.Crap.

"Lily Gordon." That was the first name that came to my mind.

"Well, Lily Gordon, how did you get your powers?" he says walking slowly around the chair I'm sitting in.

"I don't have any powers. I literally have no idea who or what you're talking about."

"Then, why were you at the Avengers HQ? I thought only Avengers could go in there," he says. He stops right in front of my chair to look at my face when I reply.

"I was there for classified reasons." Which isn't wrong. It is kind of classified information that I am alive. I could tell that he was mad at what I was saying. I knew he needed this information, but I wasn't going to give it to him. I knew he was desperate for anything.

He turns around, and whispers in the guy's ear with the bat. He turns back around and looks at me. "I told you that not answering shouldn't be an option." The guy with the bat walks closer to me. He swings the bat into my stomach. I wince in pain. I can taste and feel the blood coming out of my mouth.

The guy with the bat walks back and the main guy walks back closer to me. "Let's try this one more time. How did you get your powers?"

"I already told you. I'm not the y/n Stark you are talking about, and I don't have powers," I say as convincingly as I could. The main guy gestures the guy with the bat again.

The guy with the bat hesitates and says thinking I can't hear him, "Jack, maybe this isn't her, she could be telling the truth."

"I don't care, this is her and I know it. Do it now." He walks over to me, still hesitating. I can see the regret in his eyes already. He swings the bat onto the straps of my arms, releasing me. I tried to get up and out of the chair, but I was too weak and just fell to the ground.

"Funny, Kevin. You try to be the hero," says Jack. They are really bad at not saying names. The guy with the gun hands Jack the gun, and he points it at Kevin. "But now, you are just.." Jack shoots Kevin, straight in the head, and his corpses collapse to the ground, "dead," Jack continues.

"You.. wont get what you... want from me," I say in pain. Jack just laughs.

"Oh, sweetheart. Why do you underestimate me?" The two guys walk out of the room, dragging the corpse behind them, and I hear a click, indicating that it was locked. They just left me in the dark, by myself with powers.

Please hurry dad. Please hurry Peter, I need you.

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