Chapter 7: Avengers Meeting

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"Wake up, your dad's coming!" Steve says shaking me to wake up. I was in Peter's arms from last night. "Shit," I say.

"Language," Steve says. I shot him a glare and told him "Oh, shut up grandpa."

I quickly jump up and out of his arms as my dad walks in. I hit Peter in the leg, "Ow, y/n. What was that for?" he says. I shoot him a look that says 'get up before we get caught' stare. He immediately jumps off the couch and into the kitchen once he sees my dad enter the room.

"Good morning, Dad," I say, trying not to look as suspicious as I can.

"Good morning, bean. Peter, how are you feeling?" He froze up, scared he was about to get yelled out but realized what he asked.

"Oh yea, um feeling better," he says.

"Well ok. We are having a meeting in the meeting room in an hour to talk about what happened yesterday," says my dad. "Even you y/n."

I didn't know how to feel. I knew it wasn't because I was an official Avenger yet which made me upset, but this is the first time I was invited to an Avengers meeting. Even if it is about me. I just smile and nod.

"But for now I am making pancakes, so who wants some?" he asks.

Steve, Peter and I all say me at the same time. "Did someone say pancakes?" Thor says as he enters the kitchen.


All of the Avengers were in the meeting room, all surrounding the table. On the right of me was Peter, and on the left was Nat. "We have to figure out how they know about y/n?" says Clint. He wasn't here for the past couple of weeks because he was on vacation with his family. "Someone had to give them information about her."

"Obviously. But first we need to find out who they are first. FRIDAY. Can you please look over the security cameras from last night, and see if you can identify who they are?" my dad says.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. This may take me a few minutes," she replies. This is all making me so stressed. Why were all these people trying to kill me? What did they want from me? Why didn't they just kidnap me? I was the root to all of the problems here. I didn't even notice that my right leg was bouncing up and down until Peter put his hand on my knee to try to calm me down.

We all sit in silence for a couple of minutes. There was so much tension in the room, and it was all because of me. "Mr. Stark, I was able to identify ⅗ men in the security cameras. The guy who took Peter, his name is Ronald Linsdey. The other 2 are Kevin Rickards, and Scott Abrams. They all work for a high tech company called Chris Industries."

"Who is the head of Chris Industries?" asks Dad writing all of this down on a piece of paper. "The head of Chris Industries is Jack Chris."

My dad grew more angry when learning this information. "Jack Chris used to work for me years before y/n was born. We had to let him go because he would stay after hours, messing with the machines. I don't know how he would learn about y/n though."

"There was a guy named Jack, at the factory place. I remember when I was waking up and being brought inside, someone saying the name Jack. I believe he was the guy interrogating me about y/n," Peter says.

"Who even knows about y/n besides us?" Wanda says.

"Well, what about y/n's mom. Would she tell anyone?" Peter asks. My mother left me and my dad right after she gave birth to me and was able to leave the hospital. My dad had to raise me as a single parent. My dad doesn't talk about her, I don't even know her name, I don't care to. She may have given birth to me, but she was never my mom.

Everyone was shocked about what Peter said. He wasn't wrong though. She knows that Tony Stark is my dad. She could have told the whole world. But why would she just tell them?

"Kid, you have a point," says my dad with a disappointing tone. He looks down, looking embarrassed about what he was about to say. "Um..I haven't told you guys any of this but. Well now it's important information. Y/n's mother, um was having an affair with Jack Chris before and while she was pregnant. Don't worry, we already did a DNA test and y/n is my daughter." I was so relieved about this. "He just may not know that." My heart sank.

"Well if I was his daughter, why would he try to kill me? That's a bit rough if you ask me," I say.

"Wait where is she now. Is she married to this guy or something," Peter asks. All this talk about my mother is putting thoughts in my head.

Why would she leave me? Why wasn't I good enough for her? Did she even love me? Did she never care about me? What could I have done wrong, I was literally just born.

All of these thoughts keep echoing in my head. My leg bounces even more. Nat tries to comfort me so Peter takes his hand off your knee to let her talk to you.

"Y/n, look at me. You didn't do anything wrong to make her leave, she wasn't just ready to be a mother, and did the worst thing a mother could, run. Just know that you don't need her, because you have a whole family right here instead," she says to me. I just nod my head, not wanting to talk. If my mother told Jack about me, where is she now?

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