Chapter 2: The Deal Breaker

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It has been two week since Peter has got here and my dad hasn't suspected a thing. Peter comes into my room every night this week to watch movies and cuddle.

It is around 10:30 and everyone is in their rooms. "Hey, y/n. What movie are we going to watch tonight, love?" Peter comes through my door. He jumps on my bed and starts to shower me with kisses all over your face and neck. Whenever Peter is with me, I just feel safe, and warm inside.

"How about we watch Pirates of the Caribbean?" you suggest. He just smiles and nods. "I am going to get some snacks before we start. Do you want to come?"

"Sure thing." Me and Peter go outside of your room and head to the kitchen. I look in the pantry and ask Peter, "Hey babe, what do you want to eat?" The next thing I realize is that Peter has his arms around my waist. "I want you," he says as you can feel his smirk on your shoulder. I turn around and give a quick kiss.

"How about doritos?" says Peter. I grab the last doritos bag and then heard a voice."That sounds amazing," says Steve. "What are you guys doing?" Peter immediately lets go of me.

"I was just... she was... umm," says Peter, trying to explain. Steve just chuckles. Steve (aka Captain America) was a second father to you, and very very over protective.

"Steve, nothings happening. Peter and I were just getting some food." I am very smooth and calm with situations like this but Peter on the other hand. "Then why does Peter look like he is about to crap his pants," asks Steve while you and him chuckle, but Peter didn't think it was that amusing.

"Steve, do not tell dad. He would kill me and then Peter, and then me again." Steve just stood there thinking. "Fine, as long as I get the last doritos bag."

I immediately threw the bag at his face. He starts to walk away, "Have fun," he turns back around glaring at Peter, "But not too much fun." Steve went back to his room. Peter was petrified that he was still standing there in fear.

"We need to work on you being calm during these situations," I say. Peter grabs some snacks, while I grab drinks and go back to watch the movie. When it was over, Peter went back to his room, so no one would see him in your bed the next morning.


You woke up to Wanda and Natasha, storming in your room. "So you tell Cap and not us?" says Wanda. You rub your eyes to try to wake up more. "What do you mean? Not tell you what?"

"About you and Peter," says Nat. My eyes widen. "How the hell do you know?" I ask.

"Cap. Apparently he saw you and Peter last night," Wanda says and Nat goes "oooo". I get out of my bed and out of my room. I see Steve in the living room with Thor.

"What is up with deals nowadays? Does that mean nothing to you?" Thor and Steve chuckle about how mad I was. "Technically, you told me not to tell your father. Which was the deal," says Steve. "You never said anything about the rest of us," added Thor.

"Isn't that right, y/n?" Steve looks at you. You didn't know what to say. "But.. I... ugh."

Peter walks out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes because of the bright lights. "Ah, look it's the boyfriend," Thor says. Peter looks up at Thor with his eyes widened. "How do they... I thought we... huh?" Everyone in the room burst into laughter besides me and Peter.

"Why is that hilarious when he does that?" says Steve. This is the first time Steve has outsmarted me. "Does everyone know?" I ask.

"Besides your father, yes," says Steve. "Good. And we are going to keep it that way."

Dad starts walking into the living room, "What is going on here, a family meeting?" Me being a sly person I am says, "Why would you think that? Can't people just have a group conversation without it needing any meaning?"

"Oh damn. Roasted the iron," says Steve while everyone starts to chuckle. "Uh, yea of course honey," he says looking stunned. He walks in to get the coffee FRIDAY prepared and left to work on something. Peter pulls you aside.

"Oh my gosh. What if he finds out. There is more of a possibility now. What happens if he knows. Will I be kicked out? What if I am out of the Avengers?" Peter rambles on losing his breath.

"Looks like someone is going to be needing mouth to mouth," says Steve kidding around. I glare at him and he looks away. I turn back to look at Peter.

"He won't find out I promise. You need to calm down," you say while Peter is still panicking. "And if he does, I promise nothing will happen to you."

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