Chapter 3: The Closet

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Peter just came back from training with Tony. He took a shower, got dressed and came into your room. "Hey, Parker. How was your workout?" He walks over to me in my bed. He lays down and puts his head on my stomach, holding my waist. I start to play with his hair while he says, "Good, but now I am tired. Can I just take a nap in here?" he asks me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. But I have to start to program another suit in my forest," I say. I walk over and press the button behind my TV and open the door. "Are all the suits like Tony's?" Peter asks while he is still on my bed.

"No, when me and Wanda were training once, she told me that I have telekinesis. Apparently my dad tried to hide it from me so it wouldn't cause me to grow up as an avenger," I say with my head looking down at the floor.

Peter gets out of my bed and he goes into the closet with you. "I told you this once, I think you would be an amazing superhero. Why don't you tell Mr. Stark that you know you have powers? Maybe it would influence him to change his mind," Peter says while admiring your suits.

"You honestly think my dad,Tony Stark, would change his mind? Please, his middle name should be stubborn." You hear a knock on your door. "Hey bean, is everything okay?" It's your dad. I try to pull Peter out of the closet as quick as I can. I slam the door. But I wasn't quick enough to push the button in time as he saw a door, and then it vanished right in front of him.

"What was that?" he asks. "Uh I'm just gonna go now." Peter tries to walk out of the room when my dad stops him. "You better get your butt over there kid. Y/n, what does that button do?" Your dad asks, "Don't make me ask again what does it do?"

I was starstruck. I couldn't move or speak. I never thought that this would happen. Dad pushes me aside and presses the button. The door appears and he opens it. "Peter go," you say and he leaves and shuts the door. "Are these suits y/n? Why in the name of Thor are you making suits?" says your dad. He has never been this angry at me, ever.

"I made them. Hoping.." He interrupts me, "Hoping what. That you will get killed in battle? Is that what you were hoping?" I start to tear up. I feel like he doesn't even believe in me. I see him calm himself down.

"Look, y/n, I just want you to be safe. I just want to protect you," he says. "Then why did you never tell me about my powers?" I mumble. "Y/n, you know I hate when people mumble."

"Then why did you keep me away from my powers?" He was stunned. "I could have been helping other people with these powers, and instead you keep them from me. If you wanted to protect me then train me to protect myself. We have a whole group of people we can use for missions and they help me to train but not my own father."

He didn't know what to say all that could come out of his mouth was, "Who was training you?" I looked at him and said, "Wanda and Steve."

"You will never be allowed to be in the gym with them unless I'm there. Understood?" I didn't say a word. "Do you understand?" I didn't want to speak to him, I just nodded my head. He storms out of my room.

Tony's POV

I was so angry, if this was a carton, there would be steam in my ears. I grab Wanda and Steve out to the Kitchen to talk. "Why the hell are you training my daughter without my approval."

"Look, Tony, she is really good out there. Not just good, great," said Steve. "She can be a really good aspect to the Avengers," Wanda adds. This makes your blood boil.

"How does she know about her powers? I gave everyone a strict order not to." I look at both of them and they both knew how angry I was. "I did, Tony. She was talking about how she wants to work with you side by side. She loves you so much," Wanda says. "She never stops asking, is that good enough for him? She wants to save people just like you Tony."

A wave of regret runs through my body.


Dad opens my door and walks into my room. He sits at the foot of the bed and for a minute he doesn't say a word. "Do you really want to do this, bean?" he asks me. I nod my head because I still didn't want to speak to him. "We can start your official training Monday."

I jump out of my bed. "Really?" I ask, he nods. "No joke?" he nods again. I give him a hug and say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You won't regret it." I ran out of the room like I was on Cloud9.

Tony's POV

She is screaming and running all over the place, like a lunatic. Steve comes up to me, "She won't let you down."

"Yea, and if she does, it's your fault." We both chuckle, and watch my little girl the happiest she has ever been.

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