Chapter 17: Bombs and Rescues

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Peter's POV

Everyone is just sitting on the plane in silence, until Mr. Stark says, "Okay we are going to land in 5 minutes, do we need to go over the plan?" No one said anything. I am sitting next to Mr. Stark and I am being a nervous wreck. My legs are bouncing like crazy, and my whole body is so close to shaking.

I guess Mr. Stark saw me and walked to my seat. "Look kid. Y/n is a strong girl, she is going to be ok. We are all scared for her, but once we get her, you can't show her your fear, or it may freak her out even more. Hurry up and put on your suit." I just nod my head and he walks back to his seat, and grabs my suit and I put it on.

"Ok, everyone we are landing, get ready," says Steve. I jump out of my seat, just wanting to get y/n. Once the plane lands, we all get out of the plane. Good thing no one noticed us, or it could have ruined the whole plan.

I ran to the building and started climbing up the wall. "Remember, Pete, on my count," says Mr. Stark through an earpiece. I climbed all 24 stories, and went off the roof. I found the vent, in the exact spot where it said it would be on the hologram. I silently open to vent and now on the ceiling.

At this moment, Steve, Wanda and Clint are all causing a distraction on the first floor.

"Okay, kid your good," says Mr. Stark.

"Karen, are there any weapons on this floor?" I ask my AI in my suit.

"Yes Peter, there is a gun, and 13 bombs surrounding one room. The bombs can blow up this whole building," says Karen. That has to be where y/n is.

"Where is the room?"

"The 2nd door to your left." I crawled from the ceiling to that room, seeing a couple of the bombs. I look at one of them and I see a timer. 4 minutes. I have less than 4 minutes to get y/n out of here. Everyone has 4 minutes to get out of here.

"Uh, Mr. Stark, there are bombs that are planned to set off in less than 4 minutes. The bombs can set off the whole building, and you know, kill everyone. I would recommend you either turn them off or get everyone out," I say through the ear piece.

"Got it, kid. You just worry about y/n," he says. I wasn't going to have it any other way. I drop to the floor. I reach the door and unlock it. I slowly open the door. It's a dark room, and I can't see anything. I walk into the room and I see a figure on the ground. It's y/n. I ran over to her.

"Oh y/n. Did they hurt you? Are you ok?" I whisper to her. She looks up at me with her eyes filled with tears. I look down and see that there is blood coming out of her mouth. She tries to speak but I just say, "don't speak, I don't want to put you in more pain. I'm just glad you're ok."

I pick her up and she holds on her stomach. I walk out of the room and go under the vent. I jump up onto the roof, still with her in my arms. "Peter," she says softly.

"Yes. Are you okay?" I say.

"Thank you," she says, barely getting it out.

"Of course, love. I would do anything for you." I swing back to the plane. I walked her in and put her on the bed in the back. "Mr. Stark, I have y/n in the plane. How are you doing with the bombs?"

"They are disabled. Jack Chris is nowhere to be found though. We should be back in a minute and then we will be out of this place." Where would he have gone?

I take off my mask and grab a wet washcloth. I dab it on her mouth, and try to get the blood off. Once I'm done, I hear footsteps getting louder and louder. It was Mr. Stark and everyone else coming to see y/n.

"Hey, bean. How are you feeling?" Mr. Stark says, then kisses her forehead.

"You know, just the usual of what people do after they get kidnapped." Everyone laughs. Even at her lowest, she still makes people laugh. She chuckles then holds her stomach in pain.

"Y/n, you just rest. We can talk about this in the morning," says Bruce. Everyone walks out of the room, and to the seats.

I was about to walk out until I heard y/n's voice, "Wait, Peter." I turn back around and see y/n. I walk back to her. "Peter, I don't want to be alone, c-can you lay with me?"

"Of course," I say. I climb over her carefully, trying not to hurt her, and I lay down. She puts her head on my chest, and wraps her arm around me. I kiss her on the forehead and wrap my arms around her.

"Peter," she whispers. I look into her beautiful eyes, telling her to continue. "Thank you so much for saving me."

"Y/n, you already said that. But I will always be there for you. I love you." Crap, I shouldn't have said that.

"I love you too, Parker." At that moment I felt her smile into my chest. Damn I really do love this girl.

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