Chapter 9: Queens at Night

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We start to head over to this pizza place I have never heard of. "So, we are just going to a pizza place?" I ask Peter.

"Wow, you really underestimate me huh," he says very sarcastically. We both laugh as we soon arrive at the pizzeria.

Friday parked the car into an alley. As we step out of the car, Peter starts to worry. "We probably shouldn't leave the car out here in the open. I mean it is one of Mr. Stark's cars, someone could get suspicious," Peter says.

"Parker, I already told you this. I thought through this plan multiple times. FRIDAY? Put on camouflage mode."

One second later, the car vanishes. "Woah, that's sick! Is it still there?" As Peter says this he bends down to get a closer look, and bangs his head on the invisible car. "Uh, yup, it's still there," says Peter as he chuckles softly.

We walk into the pizzeria together. "What's up Mr. Miller, how are you doing?" Peter asks the guy behind the counter. "Ah, Peter. It's nice to see you again. How can I help you today?"

We both ordered our food, and took a seat in a booth. Peter sat across from me and we talked for hours. "So this radio-active spider just bit you, and then you became Spider-Man? That's crazy," I say.

"Yea. How did you get your powers?" Peter asks me.

"Um. I don't know. No one ever told me. I guess I was just born with it," I reply. "I never thought about how I got my powers. When Wanda told me, I just got super excited because I thought it would give me a better chance to become a Avenger."

"Yea, I was stoked when I found out," he says. There was a moment of silence until he grabs your hand and pulls you out of the booth. "Well we are going somewhere else so come on." He runs out of the store and walks past the alley where the car was.

"Parker, you passed the car." He keeps walking and says, "Don't worry it's a couple blocks down." He walks down and arrives at a store. "Welcome to Delmars. The best sandwiches in all of Queens." He walks into the store still interlocking with your hand, "Hey Mr. Delmar." He grabs 2 packs of sour gummy worms.

"Hey, Peter. Number 5 pickles, smooshed, right?" Mr. Delmar says. Peter nods his head. "What about your chica?" He looks at you asking what you want. "Uh, I'll have the same, thanks."

Peter whispers in your ear, "You can go get a snack or something, and can you get me a coke while I pay?" I just nod my head and walk over to the Fridges and grab 2 cokes, one for him and for me, with a bag of my favorite chips. Peter pays for everything and then you guys walk out of the store.

He is walking even farther from the car now. "Peter, where are we going? The car is that way," I ask.

"Who said that this date was over?" he smirks as he is walking towards a tall building.

"Are you ready?" Peter says, and I nod. He puts out his arm and wraps his arm around my waist. "You might want to hold on." I put my arms around his neck. Once I do he uses his free arm and shoots a web at the top of the building and we fly up.

We land safely on the roof of the building as I am still holding on to him, closing my eyes for dear life. "Is it done, are we on the roof?" I ask. He just laughs while I let go of him. I turn around and see the beautiful city in front of me. "I have never seen the city, and definitely not at night. It's amazing," I say, staring out at the world.

We just sit on the edge of the building, eating our smooshed sandwiches while looking all around. "Peter," I say and look at him. He looks back at me with his sparkly brown eyes that just make me melt. "I'm really glad that you're in my life. You're the sweetest person I have ever met."

"Well that doesn't say much, since you only the avengers," we both laugh at his comment.

"You know what I mean." I put my head on his shoulder, as he puts his arm around me. We sat there in silence, but it wasn't awkward at all. Just admiring each others company.

"Y/n, I promise, I will do anything and everything I can to keep you safe. I-I love you y/n," he says. I almost fell off the edge of the building. He makes your heart melt every time he steps into the room. I automatically smile whenever he talks. I just always want him with me and I knew that he did too.

"I love you too, Parker." He puts his hand on my cheek as he pulls me into a meaningful kiss. I felt like literally sparks were flying as I smiled into the kiss. He breaks off the kiss and looks at his watch.

"We should probably go now, it's almost 3 o'clock," Peter says. Peter lands both of us down on the ground as we head to the car. We make it to the alley, as Peter almost runs into the car again.

"FRIDAY? Turn off camouflage and auto drive us to the Avengers headquarters." The car ride consisted of singing to songs and dancing in our seats. We arrived back at Avengers HQ and stuck back through my window. "FRIDAY, erase all memory of tonight."

"Yes, Ms. Stark." I lay in my bed exhausted from the night. Peter crawls next to me as I lay my head on his chest.

"Thank you for tonight, Parker. We should do it more often," I say and we both giggle.

"Anything for you, Stark." Neither of us even noticed that we fell asleep right there on my bed. Tonight was the best night ever, and Peter is just a really nice bonus.

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