Chapter 5: The Bang

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"FRIDAY, what was that bang?" I ask immediately.

"Miss Stark, the large bang was from a bomb set near the entrance of the building. Would you like to look at the cameras?"

"Yes," I say. A projection pops up and it's Dad fighting 2 guys with black suits on. Another 3 guys exit the entrance and go off camera. "Well, I guess this is your first fight. Lets kick some ass," says Peter. They all put on their suits and I grab a small mask just to cover my face, because that's all I need.

Peter and I headed to the entrance but were stopped by 2 guys. "Where is Y/n Stark?" one of the guys says. How do they know my name? How do they know I even exist? I slam the two of them into the wall behind me. Peter webs them to the wall, but it doesn't last forever.

One of the guys throws a circle thing between me and Peter. It was a smoke bomb. Then the smoke bomb goes off. I move away from it, and use my powers to throw it out of the way. Once the smoke was gone the two guys were gone and so was Peter. I went to the entrance thinking that he was there.

The rest of the group took out the other 3 guys, yet I don't see Peter. "Where is Peter?" I ask everyone. Everyone just looks around the room.

"We thought he was with you, y/n," says Thor. At the moment I realize that he was taken. "Why were they asking for me? One of the guys approached me and Peter and asked where is y/n Stark?"

"They were what? How did they find out about you?" Dad says freaking out. My identity is out there now and I don't know how to feel about it. "I have no idea, but Peter got captured so we need to find him now."

Peter's POV

I wake up in a moving vechile with a bag over my head. My hands are tied behind my back. I guess they knocked me out when the smoke bomb went off. My mind immediately went to y/n. Is she here too? Is she hurt? Why were they looking for her in the first place?

I feel an arm grabbing my arm to pull me out of the van. They walk me over to a chair, and force me to sit down. One guy takes off the bag and then my mask. I am in a dark room, and I see a door and 3 guys. I didn't recognize them from the projection from earlier.

"Does this look like y/n Stark? I asked for y/n Stark and you give me a guy in red and blue tights?" he says. "Yes, but Jack the girl who we believe is her was with him sir. He is Spider-man according to youtube," Another guy says. Jack remember the name Jack I thought.

"So Spidey-boy. Where is y/n Stark?" the main guy asks. I knew that no one is supposed to know about her, and I am not allowed to talk about her, unless it is to an Avenger. "I have no idea who you are talking about," I reply.

"Then who was the girl you were with?" I didn't know how to reply. I am terrible at lying on the spot. "She is not one of your concerns," I immediately tense up. The main guy justures another guy with a bat to come forward. He walks up and swings the bat into my stomach. I grunt in pain.

"I will ask you this one more time. Who is the girl you were with?" I knew what was about to happen. I couldn't let them hurt y/n. I care about her so much. "I already told you, she is no one," I say again. I know what was about to happen and a bat comes flying in at my head, and now I am knocked out.

Y/n's POV

My dad uses a tracking device on Peter's suit to track him. "There we got him. Everyone let's go," Dad says and everyone gets into the van. I was happy I was doing a mission like thing, but terrified about what they were doing to Peter.

"Y/n there is a back entrance of the building. On my say, I want you to go in and find Peter. The rest of us are going to go through the front to distract them, got it?" Steve says to me. "Peter is okay, y/n, and you'll do great." I nod and head to the back door. I can hear footsteps and gunshots going off.


I walk through the door as quiet as I can be. I see three doors to my left. I open all three, and no Peter. I look to the right of the last door and see a hallway. I see one door already open. I run to it and see Peter, in a chair with blood on his head, and some coming out of his mouth. He was knocked out. I ran over to him.

"Peter, hey. Wake up, it's me y/n. Please wake up," I say while lightly patting his face. His eyes start to flutter open. "Y/n," he says quietly. I untie his arms.

"Hey, Parker. Are you okay?" He looks up at me with his brown sparkling eyes. "Better than ever," I chuckle and help him up. He was in too much pain to walk so you use your powers to lift him up.

I try to walk out of the back door, but I hear someone yell, "Hey!" I put Peter down next to me. "It's the girl who was with him earlier," says one of the guys. Everyone stops and turns around to look at me.

"Finally I have been waiting for this for a while," a guy says with a gun. He slowly pulls up the gun towards you. "Y/n, no!" I hear my dad yell. The guy pulls the trigger. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. My dad ran towards me, Nat and Wanda, with their hands over their mouths. I put my hands up.

I stopped the bullet with my powers. The guy with the gun is frozen. His eyes widened and his mouth to the floor. "Everybody let's move!" yells Thor. I lifted Peter again and took him to the van.

"Hey thanks for saving me," he says.

"Well I guess that's what superheros do," I say chuckling with a tear running down my cheek.

Peter raises his hand and wipes away the tear, "I knew you were going to be a great one."

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