Chapter 30: No Powers

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"You can't just leave her. She's only a baby!" Dad says holding a baby in his arms.

"Watch me," Stephanie says, walking out of the house slamming the door. The baby starts crying hysterically.

"Shh.. it's okay. We will get through this together. I love you Y/n Stark."

My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light. I feel a pair of hands holding onto one of mine, and I look over to see who it is. It's Peter, with his head against your hand, crying.

"P-Peter," I say barely a whisper. His head shot up, look at me. His eyes were red and puffy, and there were tears running down his cheeks. "Why are you crying, Spidey-boy?"

He chuckles softly, that you still call him that. "Y/n. I'm so glad you're awake. I miss you, gorgeous," he says, and kisses you on the cheek.

"Wait, how long was I asleep for?" I ask. Before Peter could respond, Dad, Nat, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Thor, Wanda and Vision all walk through the door, all crowding you around a hospital bed.

"Oh, y/n you're awake. We all missed you so much. I'm so happy you're okay," Dad says, kissing you on the forehead.

"What are you guys talking about, I was just asleep, right?" I questioned.

"Y/n, when Stephanie took your powers, you lost a lot of your energy," Vision started. So they know I don't have powers.

"You have been in a coma for about 6 weeks," Nat finished.

"6 weeks? What about school? Where's Jack and Stephanie?" I ask.

"We told school that you had a family emergency," says Thor.

"Jack and Stephanie are in highly secure prison, and are in for the rest of their lives," added Bucky.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect myself," I started but was interrupted by Steve.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You're a kid. We can't expect you to survive everything you do." The rest of the day everyone has been catching me up on what I have missed.

"You can sleep in your room tonight," Dad says. "It's probably better that you are in a more familiar area." I just nodded and walked to my room, and got ready to sleep. Yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't.

I walk to Peter's room, wanting to talk to him. I walk infront of his door, and right before I could knock, the door flies open, with Peter standing there, startling me.

"Sorry, Stark. I was actually going to go check on you," Peter says rubbing the back of his neck. "Come in, you can sleep with me." I walked in and sat on his bed, and he sat next to me.


"Yes," Peter responds.

"I understand if you don't want to be with me. I'm not as powerful anymore and you probably want to be with a superhero. So if you don't..." Peter slams his lips into mine, making me stop rambling.

The kiss was very passionate and sweet at the same time. He breaks the kiss to say, "I love you, Stark. Just because you don't have powers doesn't mean I don't love you. I have loved you since the moment I saw you. Nothing can change that."

"I was there everyday, for 6 weeks. I have no idea if you heard, but I told you about school and my day, even though it always sucked without you. I don't care about stupid powers, just as long as I have you, nothing else matters," Peter continues.

"I love you Spidey-boy."

"I love you more Stark."

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