Chapter 21: The Call Part 2

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"I'm y/n. Your daughter." There were no responses for a moment. My heart starts racing from the silence. I put the phone on speaker so Dad can hear the conversation too.

"Oh my. Your voice is so pure." I honestly don't know what to think. She abandoned me, but she may have a reason. "I'm so sorry that I left. I want to explain my actions. Can we meet?"

I don't respond, but I look towards Dad. He nods his head lightly. I mute the phone and say, "Dad, are you crazy? Jack could be there and kill me on the spot. Plus we are on lockdown."

"Peter can go with you to protect you. The lockdown only lasted a week, plus this can get us some more information about Jack," he says. I unmute the phone.

"Um. Sure, as long as I can bring a friend, if that's ok," I say.

"Of course. And, don't worry, it will just be us 3. Jack is away on a business trip." Noted, Jack told her that he's on the business trip. "Can you come over to my house at 12? My address is (blah blah address here)."

"Uh, yea. I will see you there." I hang up the phone. Why am I going to see my mother? I despise her, right? Well I know for a fact I can't trust her.

"We will put a microphone on you to listen to the conversation the whole time. Try to get as much information as you can, and don't use your powers unless you're in trouble?" Dad asks. I agree to him. I never thought I would ever meet her. Especially going undercover.

"You're going to be fine, y/n. Go ask Peter if he can go, even though I already know he is going to say yes," Dad says taking the phone out of my hand. I nod to him and walk out of the office. I walk through the headquarters trying to find Peter. He isn't in the living room or kitchen, so he must be in his room.

I walk into his room, seeing him on his bed watching TV.

Peter's POV

I'm watching TV, until I hear y/n walk into my room. I can see fear in her eyes. "Stark, what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost," I say getting up, to give her a hug.

She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. She buries her head into my neck and says, "I-I just talked to my mom." I release her from the hug, leading her to the couch to talk. "We called her to track her down, and once we got the location, she asked why I was calling on Tony Stark's phone, and why I sound like him. Which honestly I don't think I do," she says and we both chuckle.

"Anyways Dad basically told me to tell her and she asked to meet up. Dad told me to say yes, so we can get information from her. You and I are going undercover, as ourselves," she says.

"So we are meeting your mom? What if Jacks there? What if he tries to kill you again?" I ramble. She calms me down by holding my hand. "When are we going?"

"Tomorrow at 12."

"How, we are on lockdown?"

"He's going to undo it. It's time for dinner so let's go, I'm starving," she says pulling me off of the couch. I just smile, following her out of my room.


I walk out towards the kitchen and hear people talking. No not talking, arguing. I motion to Peter to keep quiet so we can listen to the conversation.

"Are you crazy? They could kill her," yells Nat.

"She can handle herself. Plus Peter is going to. He will keep her safe," says Dad.

"What if Jack's there? Then he will know for a fact that she is Y/n Stark," says Bucky. They continued fighting for 5 minutes and I got sick of it. I interlock fingers with Peter and walk out to the kitchen, where everyone can see us.

"Can everyone stop fighting! I already made the decision that I'm going. I can protect myself, I'm not a kid," I say to all of them. "Can we just have a regular dinner like we always do?" Everyone nods in agreement as we sit down around the round dining table. We have like assigned seats but not really.

                     Dad (Tony Stark)
                Bruce                         Me
            Steve                               Peter
            Bucky                              Nat
                Clint                     Wanda
(The table in a circle seat arrangements)

Tonight we had pizza. It is quieter than the usual dinners. There was small talk here and there. I try to start up the conversation.

"So, whose idea was the Avenger's game night? It was fun, we should do stuff like that more often," I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"It was my idea, and I agree we should," Thor says.

"Okay, here on out we will have Avenger's game night every Friday," says Dad. Everyone cheers and claps for that while I'm shoving my face with pizza.

We all finish the pizza, and go our separate ways. Peter and I head to the kitchen. "So what kind of icecream do you want?" I ask Peter.

"Um, I don't know. Whatever you want," Peter says. I grabbed a Ben and Jerry's Stark Raving Hazelnut, and sat on the kitchen island. "Like father, like daughter," Peter says while grabbing two spoons to eat the icecream with.

Peter takes one spoonful of ice cream and says, "I think it's a bit chalky." We both chuckle and I continue to eat it. "Should we make a plan for tomorrow?"

"I think that's probably a good idea. They're going to have a microphone in my shoe or something, so they will hear the conversation. Jack is apparently on a business trip so he isn't going to be there according to her. We should ask her about Chris Industries and what they do," I suggest.

"Yea, that's good. We should also ask if she told anyone about you. It can help us to just make sure we aren't just assuming that it's Jack Chris even though it most likely is," Peter says.

"Okay, can we continue this tomorrow? I have talked enough about the people who abandoned me and tried to kill me," I say and chuckle softly. "Let's go watch a movie, Spider-boy."

Peter groans, "I thought you forgot about that. But I get to choose the movie."

"All you Spidey-boy."

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