Chapter 28: Good-bye

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Peter's POV

My Spidey-Senses went off. I felt the goosebumps throughout my whole body. What could go wrong though, y/n just went to get snacks. She's alone. I should have gone with her. I need to look for her, now.

"I uh-need to go to the bathroom," I say, jumping out of my seat.

"Peter, what are you actually doing," MJ says. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there in silence. "I'm playing with you, have fun. But not too much fun." I realize what she meant, but I need to make sure y/n is okay.

I go look into her room, and yet again, she isn't there. I ran into the kitchen, and y/n wasn't there. The popcorn is still in the microwave, and there isn't a trace of her anywhere. I look on the counter and I see a note. I grab it and I almost drop to the floor.

Don't worry she will come back. Unless she doesn't.

Stephanie. I knew that she was still out there. I shouldn't have left her by herself. I need to tell Mr. Stark, now.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! We need to talk," I scream. I see Mr. Stark running down the stairs, in a panic state, yet, I'm in a worse one.

"Kid, what's wrong? Is the movie not playing?" Mr. Stark says. I just handed him the note, not being able to comprehend that I couldn't protect y/n. Again. "Okay, we will just track her again, easy peasy."

We run to Mr. Stark's lab, and locate her watch and earrings. It is tracked into the Avengers Headquarters. She isn't wearing them. There is no way to track her now.

"What do we do now, Mr. Stark?" I ask, my voice starting to crack.

"I would uh, tell your friends to go home, for now. Say that y/n is sick or something." I just nod and head back to the movie theater.

"Finally, what took you guys so long?" Ned says. "It's just popcorn."

"Y/n, she uh, is throwing up. Mr. Stark thinks it's a good idea, if you went home," I say.

"Oh, is she okay? I can check up on here," MJ says.

I quickly responded saying, "No! I mean, I don't want you guys getting sick. I would just go home now. We can reschedule the movie night to later. I'll see you guys Monday."

They both said goodbye and left the building. I went back to Mr. Stark's lab, and he is pulling up the security cameras of y/n. I see that Stephanie had a gun, and put a weird leather strap on y/n's wrist, making her unable to use her powers.

I hear Stephanie say, "Well, you're useful in my plan. I need you alive, but not for long." Then she knocks y/n out by hitting the gun on the top of her head. I don't know how but a dust of black smoke goes around both of them and they disappear.

"Wait, how did they do that? They just vanished," I say.

"You tell me. It may just be one of those devices that they had the other day. For now get some rest, I will stay up and see if anything pops up. But for now you need to rest." I didn't feel like fighting with him at the moment, all I can think about is her safety.


I wake up in yet again a dark room. I knew it was different as I can tell, it was a lot bigger. I was in a wooden chair, hands tied behind my back, legs strapped on the chair legs. There was another chair directly in front of me, and I can see Stephanie in front of me, and with Jack. They were whispering, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Ah, good morning, child. How was your rest?" Stephanie says moving closer to me, sitting in the chair.

"Great, when you have no control over it. What am I doing here?" I say, getting directly to the point.

"Ah, I see she wants answers, but so do I. I'll answer your pity questions, but I better be getting some answers myself," Stephanie says. I just nod, knowing that this is most likely the end.

"Great. Well, just like your father, Chris Industries is a weapon company, but now we are changing that. Instead we are becoming a high tech company to create devices that no one has seen, to take down the stupid Avengers," Jack says standing next to Stephanie. My blood was boiling, they wanted power, but why?

"To show the world that the Avengers aren't needed in this world. They are useless people that everyone looks up to for no reason. They may have stopped trouble here and there, but they did nothing for the world," Jack continues.

"I think it's because you want to be the superhero. You want to be known for saving the world. But if you kill the Avengers, you aren't helping the world, but making it easier for it to be destroyed," I say.

"You think that you got it all figured it out don't you. You don't really need me, you are just using me as bait. I'm useless to you," I continue.

"Now, with that, you're wrong. We do need you, for your powers," Stephanie says. They can't do anything with my powers. They have no idea what they are doing, or so I hope.

"What do you want with my powers?" I say, finally admitting I have them, even though I already used it on them.

"Do you think it was a coincidence that you got powers, from the last time we kidnapped you?" Stephanie says. "You think that that was just a mistake. Well, let's just say you were a test run of many, and the first to succeed. Very proud of you, darling."

"So you gave me powers, why? It only makes me more powerful," I commented.

"To make you realize. To make the whole world realize that you're weak. You can't even save yourself from two people, who don't even have powers. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this, to my own daughter," Stephanie implied.

"Well, good thing I'm not your daughter. You were never a mother to me, and you never will me." Stephanie walks up to me again, putting a gun to my head. "Good-bye Y/n Stark."

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