Chapter 15: Figuring Out Why

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Peter's POV

I was talking to Thor and Clint, and realized I haven't talked to y/n for the whole party. I looked around and didn't see her. I got confused, I mean this whole party is for her. Maybe she is in her room.

I walked away from Thor and Clint, and went to y/n room. I walked in and saw a guy with a gun, and y/n on her balcony. Before I could do anything he jumped, and they were off. I ran on her balcony, but I couldn't find them. They were nowhere in sight.

I ran out of y/n's room and back into the party. Out of breath I said, "Y/n! They took her! She was in her room, with a guy with a gun. Then she was gone!" Tears start to fill my eyes. I pushed them back while everyone was freaking out.

Everyone heads to the meeting room, to try and find y/n. I looked to my left, wishing y/n was sitting in that seat.

"Okay, well is she wearing either of her AI earrings or watch?" said Mr. Stark. I could tell that he was about to break down. He just wants her to be safe, and so do I.

"Uh, yea she was wearing her earrings. I remember seeing them. But Mr. Stark what does that have to do with any of this?" I said.

"Because I put a tracker in them," Mr. Stark says. He grabs his laptop and starts to type something in. Once he is done he brings the hologram up into the center of the table, revealing y/n's location.

"Okay, she is going out of state. Where would they be taking her out of state? When Peter got kidnapped, he just was taken to an abandoned factory not that far from here," says Wanda.

"Maybe, they are going to Montana. Where their main building used to be," says Steve.

"Well, wherever they are going, we will find her and get her," Nat says. All that is going through my mind is when I got kidnapped. What if they are doing that to y/n. I can't have anyone hurting her.

"Well, who owns the old building in Montana? Maybe that can give us a hint," I say.

"FRIDAY, who now owns the old Chris Industries main building in Montana?" says Mr. Stark.

FRIDAY replies with, "It is still owned by Jack Chris and is still in running. Would you like to know the exact location of the building Mr. Stark?"

"Yes," he says. "The building is in Hamiliton, Montana. Ms. Stark is indeed heading in that direction. Here are the blueprints of the building," FRIDAY says, while she takes down y/n's location and brings up the building.

The building is 24 stories. The first floor is the lobby, next 23 are offices and labs. Then the highest floor is unknown.

"Look, you can only get to the 24th floor from this stairwell. And to get to that stairwell, you have to go to the back of the building. I bet no one knows about that floor," says Clint, pointing at the hologram.

"So that's probably where they are going to hide y/n," I say.

"Kid, what did they say when you got kidnapped?" says Mr. Stark.

"All they basically asked was who is the girl I was with. But before they started asking me questions, they said that they asked for y/n Stark and not me."

Steve adds, "And right before the guy tried to shoot y/n, he said that he was waiting for this moment." Everyone freezes up at the fact they might kill her. I don't know what I would do if they did.

Mr. Stark says, "Ok, I have a plan..."

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