Chapter 4: The First Training

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I was still in shock that Dad still didn't know about me and Peter. There have been so many jokes about us, while he is in the room. He may be smart in technology, but not smart about getting a hint. Which I am grateful for at the moment.

Today is the first day of training with Dad. I could barely sleep last night because I was so excited. It was 6am and I only got around 3 hours of sleep, but I seem the most energized I have been my entire life. I get out of bed and put on a pair of workout shorts, and a t-shirt.. I put on my favorite pair of sneakers and head to get something to eat.

Steve was also up and eating some eggos. "Someone is up early," he says, then taking a bite of his eggo. "I can say the same about you. Why are you up?"

"Well since, I'm not a teenager and sleep in until noon. I train around 7. I thought Tony wasn't going to start until 8?" Steve asks. "Yea but I will convince him to start earlier. I mean I always do. Plus I have him wrapped around my finger for lying to me my whole life," I say smiling while getting strawberries out of the fridge.

"Well that does seem like you," he chuckles. "Just do what you have been doing with me and Wanda and you will be good to go." You nod your head and continue to make a strawberry smoothie.

*Time skip to 7:20*

I walk into my dad's room and see that he is up and dressed. "Hey Dad. Are you ready for today?" I ask him. "Morning bean. You know we don't start for another 40 minutes?" I look at him trying to make him feel guilty as he knows that he is already ready. "Fine, meet me down in the gym in 10 minutes." I nod my head in excitement.

"Ok y/n. Today we are just going to see what you can do. Like how much can you control your powers, your strength excetra. You see that kettlebell over there?" He points to a 40 pound kettlebell, and I nod. "Bring it over here with your powers." I lift up my hand to justure it to move towards us, which it does, and I put it on the ground next to him.

"Nice. Wanda taught you well." I look back at him, "Yea, that was beginners stuff," and you both laugh.

"Well, impress me. Show me what you can do," he says moving out of my way. I use my powers to bring a knife into my hand. I turn the opposite way of the target, and threw it behind me, landing in the center of the target. Dad claps his hands. "Cool. Well do you know how to fight without your powers?" he asks.

I look away from the target and back at him, "Duh, Steve has been teaching me boxing before I even knew I had powers," I replied. I noticed that an idea popped into his head. "FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark. How can I assist you?" FRIDAY says through the speakers. "Bring down all of the Avengers, especially Peter." My eyes widen. Why is he bringing everyone down here?

Everyone arrives in the gym, Peter coming in last. Dad tells Peter and I to come up to the front next to him, so we did. "Today we are having a battle between y/n, and Peter," dad says. Peter and I looked at eachother and back at everyone else.

"Well this should be interesting," says Nat, while everyone chuckles. Dad seemed confused at first, but then continued. "Powers are aloud, no sharp weapons, and please don't kill each other."

"Well I guess this is the fight you wanted," I say to Peter while he laughs softly. "GO!" yells Dad and the fight started. Peter tries to web my hands, but I move and they hit the wall. I grab the webs to pull him in a trip him onto the floor. He gets up, easily and webs my feet so I couldn't walk. He walks towards me while I whisper to him, "Sorry." I use my powers to throw him against the wall.

I still couldn't move my feet from the webs. FRIDAY interrupts the battle by saying, "Mr. Stark there are..."

"Not now FRIDAY," my dad says, focusing on the battle. "Mr. Stark, there are people in black suits saying that they need to speak to iron man." Everyone stops what they are doing, as Dad leaves the gym. Peter walks over to help me out of the webs.

"Thanks, but who won?" I say curious. "I think we can call it a draw," says Peter while he looks up at you smiling. Next thing everyone heard was a loud bang from upstairs.

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