Chapter 18: Lockdown

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I must have fallen asleep in Peter's arms. His arms wrapped around me, making me feel protected. I feel like nothing can harm me. Once I was awake, the plane landed.

"Hey gorgeous," Peter says, then kisses you on the forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, now that I am with you and home." We both smile. Peter helps me out of the plane and into the Avenger's headquarters building.

Peter sets me down on the couch in the living room, him sitting next to me, with his arm around me. Everyone was checking in on me and making sure I was okay. My stomach definitely still hurt, and there was most likely bruising.

I see Dad walk in and the first thing he does isn't to check up on me, but was to say, "FRIDAY, put the building on lockdown until further notice." Everyone's heads shoot at Dad.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" Steve says.

"We can't be on lockdown Tony. What if somebody needs us?" says Wanda.

"Well right now, y/n needs us. We need to make sure she is safe from everyone," says Dad. He walks over to me, giving me a caring smile. "I'm glad you're okay, bean. I missed you." He kisses me on the forehead and then walks away. Right before he was out of sight he said, "Everyone is meeting in 10 minutes."

I was so sick of these stupid meetings. They are always just so stressful. Everyone leaves me and Peter alone in the living room. We talked for a minute, then decided we should probably go into the meeting room.

We walk past the kitchen and in the elevator. Once we got on the correct floor, we headed to the meeting room. Right before we walked in I got an excruciating headache. So bad, that it made me fall to the ground.

"Omg, y/n. Are you okay?" Peter says, kneeling next to you in fear. Suddenly the headache goes away, and you nod to Peter that you're alright.

We finally entered the meeting room.

I sit next to Peter, of course, and Nat on my other side. Thor, and Clint walk in and officially everyone is here.

"Okay, so um, y/n. Tell us everything that happened that you can remember," says Nat, in a very sweet and calm voice. I try to collect all of the information and memories from all of that.

I was hesitant at first but Peter grabs my hand. Interlacing my fingers with his, and slightly squeezing it to reassure that I was okay.

"Well, uh, I went on my balcony to get some air, when a person came up behind me with a gun to my head and said 'don't say a word or I will pull the trigger'. I can't remember the ride there or how we got there. I'm sorry," I say. I want to know and remember everything, I just can't because some parts are fuzzy.

"It's okay, continue. You're doing great," says Steve with a reassuring smile.

"Then the next thing I remember is me waking up with a pounding headache, with metal straps on my wrist. There were 3 guys in the room. A Jack, a Kevin and a guy with a gun. The one asking all the questions was Jack. He uh kept asking me how I get my powers. When I said I don't have any, Kevin the guy with the bat hit me in the stomach," I say, with some tears filling my eyes.

"After that Jack asked me again and I said the same thing. He tried to get Kevin to do it again when Kevin said something on the lines of, 'She may be telling the truth and to back off kind of.' Jack didn't listen and told Kevin to do it, but instead he hit the straps off my wrist, but I was too weak to run. After this Jack shot Kevin in the head and the 2 guys left." Full tears were running down my face, Peter still holding my hand. I quickly wipe off my tears.

That was my one time in life, I was useless. I couldn't do anything besides sit there and wait for someone to help me. Pathetic.

"Okay, well this gives me almost 100% positivity that this has something to do with Jack. Since Stephaine is married to Jack, we need to get into contact with her, right away," says Bruce. Once my dad heard this he slumped back into his chair, knowing he was right.

"Yea uh, FRIDAY, see if you can find any way to contact Stephanie Chris," Dad says to FRIDAY.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. This may take awhile." The meeting soon dispurst afterward, while Dad forces you to get checked up on.

"I just want to make sure you're okay, bean," he says. "FRIDAY, scan y/n, please." A little bug flies in front of me as I put my hands to my sides. A purple looking scan went over me and FRIDAY says, "Mr. Stark, she has a sprained wrist, and some bruising on her stomach, but other than that, everything is perfectly normal."

Good thing, I can never take my dad when he is stressed. "Ok good," he says. I was about to walk out of the room, but then he started talking again. "Bean?"

"Yes, Dad?" I say turning around to face him.

"I love you tons. I hope you know that," he says.

"I love you 3000."

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