Chapter 20: The Call

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It has been a couple days since being soaked by a water balloon. I'm currently eating a sandwich for lunch. Bucky, Steve, and I are all sitting in the living room watching TV. There is honestly nothing else we can do in this stupid lockdown. Now thinking about it I haven't seen my dad all day.

I finish my delicious sandwich and say, "I'm going to find Dad. Do any of you know where he is?" They both shake their heads and I walk to my dad's lab, thinking he may be there.

I walk into his lab and see him and Bruce staring at the computer screen, looking like they just saw a ghost. "Is uh, everything okay?" They sort of jump when hearing my voice. I guess they didn't hear me walking in.

"Uh, Bruce can you leave us alone?" Dad asks Bruce. Bruce leaves the room and Dad walks up to me. "I uh, I found your mother." I didn't know how to feel. We found the person who had abandoned me and my father, so I wasn't happy. But we also found the person that may help us with why her husband is trying to kill me.

"That's great Dad!" I said, trying to stay positive. "What did you find out?"

"I found her number, nothing else. So we will have to call her."

"Are you going to do it now or in a meeting?" I ask, hoping it wasn't a meeting because I am so sick of those.

"We are going to do it now I guess. We can't do it in the meeting room, because we only have the technology to track the call in here. Plus, not other people really need to be in here," he says. He walks over to the phone and grabs it and sits in his desk chair.

He just stares at his phone for a while before dialing in the numbers. I don't blame him, he hasn't talked to her in 15 years. Once he presses the call button, he starts to shake, and I mean bad. He starts to breathe really heavy once he hears her voice.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

I grab the phone out of his hand and say, "Hi, um sorry wrong number." I hang out and he is still shaking badly. He's having a panic attack. He falls off of the chair and he is laying on the ground. I ran over to him, putting his head on my leg.

"It's okay Dad. Everything is okay. I'm here." He sits up and I pull him into a hug. He starts crying into my shoulder. "Dad, you don't need to be tough all the time. You have to be vulnerable from time to time. Everything is okay."

He breaks the hug and wipes away his tears, "I shouldn't be like this. I'm sorry. You're the one who is actually going through trauma." This is the first time Dad has talked about his feelings to me. This is definitely the first time he has cried in front of me.

"Dad, you don't have anything to be sorry for. You can have feelings, you're not actually made of iron." That made Dad laugh softly. "You can talk to me. And yes, I am going through a lot but that doesn't mean that you can just shut off your feelings."

We just sit there in a moment until he says, "Your right. I'm sorry."

I gasp sarcastically, "Did the Tony Stark just say that I was right?" We both break out laughing.

"Don't get used to it." We both stand up and give each other another hug.

"It's probably going to be easier if I just talk to her. Plus, you can track the call while I'm talking to her," I suggest. I didn't really want to talk to her, but I didn't want Dad to react like that again.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Positive. Let's do it." I reach over to get the phone and I dial the number. Dad sits back down on the desk chair, while I sit on top of the desk, next to the screen monitor. Once he was ready I pressed the call and heard the phone ring.

For some reason, I wasn't nervous. This would be the first time ever, hearing my mother's voice, but I didn't want to. I hated her without even knowing her, especially with all of this happening.

"Uh, hello."

"Uh Hi. Is this Stephanie Chris?"

"Yes, this is her." I nod to tell Dad that it is her, and he starts typing away on his computer.

"Hi. I work for a company that tries to find certain types of people who would like the product we are selling. Would it be okay with you if we asked you some questions?" Dad told me to fake something so I could keep her on the call, so he can track it.

"Yes, sure."

"Ok, so do you have a spouse?" I was trying to get information from her.

"Yes, his name is Jack Chris."

"Does either you or your husband have a job, and if so what do you do?"

"I don't work, but my husband is the head of Chris Industries."

"Very nice. Do you have any children?"

"Well, um, no." Why did she hesitate like that. My dad nodges me and basically told me that he has an address.

"Ok, well thank you so much."

"No problem, can I ask a quick question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why are you calling me from Tony Stark's phone?" How does she know that? How does she know this is his phone, unless she already had it?

"Uh, I don't know, I think you have the wrong number." I start to panic, what if she finds out if it's me.

"And you sound just like him. Wait... ar-are you his daughter?"

"Uh, no got to go ma'am. Good-bye." I immediately hang up, and give the phone to Dad. "She asked me if I was your daughter, I had no idea what to do. I panicked and hung up, I didn't know what to do."

The phone rings again and it's her number. "Y/n, you're her daughter, I think she deserves to know." I nod my head while he hands me the phone. I slowly answer the phone.

"Hello," I say.

"Uh, hi. I just wanted to know uh, who are you? I mean, you are calling from Tony Stark's phone."

"I'm y/n. Your daughter."

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