Chapter 11: New Suit

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Peter and I were in the game room playing some pool, and talking about what happened earlier. I was down to the black ball and got it in. "Ha! I win. Guess that we will be watching Mean Girls tonight."

"Whatever. Y/n do you remember when Mr. Stark said something about making you a suit?" he asks you. Oh my Thor, Dad was going to make me a suit. I almost ran out of the game room, until I realized Peter was still there.

I walk back over and kiss him on his cheek, "I'm going to my dad's office. Prepare to watch Mean Girls." I wink at him and fly out of the room.

I go over to Dad's office. I open the door to see him working on something. "Hey, Dad. Whatcha doing?" He looks over at me already knowing why I am there. "Yes, I am working on it. I was actually about to call you down. Right now I am working on your AI system. What do you want it's name to be?"

He pulls up a bunch of projections and starts to work."Um...TK. Stands for 'to know'," I say.

"Ah, we Starks do love our acronyms. Ok so TK will be in your mask. I am also making one for your room, a separate set of earrings and a watch with her in it, in case you need to go undercover."

This is literally the best thing that has ever happened. "Cool. So what will be in the suit?"

"There will be a hidden knife on your right wrist, plus instant kill mode, being able to heal a wound, enhance hearing and a lot more. Any suggestions?" He says, looking away from the projections, and looks at me.

I think about what I want in a suit. "Can I not have a full face mask? That would just look so bad. Can we do something like Steve's mask?"

"Yea sure bean. Okay let me just put all of this in." He starts working. A good 5 minutes goes by and I remember something Peter has told me before.

"Oh, and don't put the Training Wheels Protocol on me. I think I am above that." He looks straight at me, "How do you know about that?"

"Um.. anyways are you done?" I ask so I don't get Peter in trouble.

"Just a few more things." He quickly adds some stuff into the suit. "Ok finish. FRIDAY, make the suit that will be able to fit y/n."

"Right away Mr. Stark," FRIDAY says as the suit machine starts to run. "Y/n, I finished your earrings, room AI, and watch. Want to test them out?"

Was that even a question. This is my first official gadget that Dad made me. "Uh duh." He hands me the earrings and watch. I put them on. "How do I start it?" I ask since this is the first time I am using an AI besides FRIDAY.

"Just tap your earring and say hello TK."

I tap my earring and say "Hello TK."

"Hello Ms. Stark. I am TK your official AI. Would you like a brief summary of what I can do?" she says into my ears.

"Um yea, sure." TK brings up a hologram from my watch and says, "You can transfer me from your room, to your watch and earrings. I can tell you information about anything. I can be a security camera, a map, a tracker and more. If you ever want to turn me on then tap the earring. If I am in the room AI, I will be automatic. If you want to turn my off, then tap the earring again or say, sleep TK." TK finishes the presentation, and I have the biggest smile on my face.

"This is so cool, Dad. Thank you so much." I hug him tight until FRIDAY says, "Mr. Stark. The suit is complete, and ready to be tried on." Dad gestures his hand to the machine as I grab it. "I will wait in the living room with everyone else. You can show us when you're ready." I nod and run to my room.

I slip on the suit. The suit is black with navy arms and navy outline on the mask. It is fitted like Spider-man's suit, which I love. The suit fits me perfectly, and makes me look great. The mask is like Steve's but stops above the eyebrows.

You walk out of your room and head to the living room. Everyone was talking, once I walked in, everyone was quiet and was looking at me. Peter started to blush. "Woah, bean, when did you grow up?" says Dad.

"That suit looks sick, kid," says Thor.

"Love the mask," says Steve.

"It looks great y/n," Wanda says.

"Work it girl!" Nat says.

"Looks like someone really likes it," says Clint, hinting to Peter.

Peter blushes even more. "Yea, y/n, you look r-really good." I could tell that that was killing Dad, yet he lets it slide.

"Thanks guys. How about we put this baby to the test," I say. We all head down to the gym to test the suit.

"Okay, how about round 2 of Peter and y/n?" suggests Dad. Everyone agrees and Peter puts on his suit as well. "Ready to lose 2 times in one day, Parker?" I say.

"I don't think that will happen today, Stark," says Peter, and the fight begins. I start by throwing all the weighted balls at him, and he collapses to the ground. Peter gets up, and flips me to the ground. He webs my feet and hands to the ground, not being able to move.

"Fine, Parker you win. But we are still watching Mean Girls," I say and we both laugh.

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