Chapter 6: Hot Chocolate Therapy

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We all arrive back at the Avengers HQ. You took Peter to the hospital room, on the top floor. "Just hold still, Peter," you say, grabbing a cloth. You dab the cloth on his wound on his head. He winces in pain.

"Ouch. Do you know what you're doing y/n?" he asks. "Yea. My dad has come home from so many battles with injuries. I just learned how to help." You finish taking care of him. All of the Avengers came into the room to check on him.

"Hey, Peter. How you feeling, kid?" your dad asks. "Better than ever," he replied trying to smile. "So what happened when you were there that you remember?" Steve asks.

"Well, they knocked me out during the smoke bomb. I woke up in a car or something like that and they pulled me into the room. There was one main guy who wasn't here that asked all the questions. He asked if the girl who was with me was y/n stark," Peter says.

"Well do they know who she is?" ask Wanda. "Kind of, they don't know for sure. They just think that she is."

"Wait, I was in the smoke bomb as well. Why didn't they just take me, if they knew who I was? Why did they try to kill me too?" you ask. The world doesn't know that you exist, yet they still want to kill you.

"We don't know, bean. Let's just let Peter rest, and we will talk about this in the morning," says your dad, then leaves the room. It was already 10:52pm so you took Peter to his room. Once you got to his room, you helped him get in bed. You didn't want to deal with the fact that Peter got hurt, so you let him rest and went to your room.

For the next 3 hours, you toss and turn in your bed. You knew that you weren't going to be able to sleep, so you got up and out of your bed. You made yourself some hot chocolate and sat in the living room, just thinking.

30 minutes later you hear light footsteps coming your way. You had no idea who it was. Was it another guy trying to rekidnap Peter or to kidnap me? You quietly got up, and walked over to the kitchen. The footsteps get louder and louder. The figure walks into the kitchen. Right before you get to punch the person you realize it's Peter.

"Woah, y/n. It's me Peter," he says. You were so relieved it was no one bad. "Why are you up Parker? You should be resting."

"So should you. Plus I couldn't go to sleep."

"Neither could I. I make hot chocolate when I'm stressed, you want some?" you offered. He nods his head and you made him the hot chocolate. You both walk back into the living room, sitting on different sides of the couch, in silence, but you knew you had to say something.

"Peter," you say to break the silence. He looks up from his hot chocolate, and looks into your eyes. "I am so sorry this happened to you. It should have been me. You got so hurt trying to protect me. I couldn't even protect myself." You start to tear up knowing that the person you love is hurt, when it was supposed to be you.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You didn't do this to me. You mean the world to me. I have no idea what I would have done if these guys got you, and did the same thing to you that they did to me. I love you, y/n," he says. That was the first time he has ever said that to you, but you knew you felt the same. "I love you too, Parker," he grinned. You got up to sit next to him on the couch. He puts his arm around you, while you put your head on his shoulder.

He kisses you on the forehead and whispers, "I would do anything for you if that means you're safe." You were now able to fall asleep in his arms, as you know that you are protected and safe.

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