Chapter 12: Stephanie Chris

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"Good morning y/n," TK says, waking me up. "Your father scheduled a meeting today in an hour with all of the Avengers."

I was confused, he didn't say anything about a meeting yesterday. "What is the meeting for?"

"Mr. Stark didn't give me information about the meeting, besides when it is." I didn't question her and just got up to get ready. I showered and brushed my teeth. I put on some ripped jeans, and one of Peter's sweatshirts. I french braided my hair (or any other hair style, you can choose) and walked out to the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

Right before I walked out I grabbed my new AI watch and said, "TK transport to my watch." I head to the kitchen and see that Bruce was here. "Hey Bruce. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, your dad, wanted me to help find out more about your mom." Why do we need to find her? I don't want her to be in my life at all, just the thought of her disgusts me. It wasn't like I wasn't already stressed enough, but now I have to worry about my mother.

"Oh, cool. Well, I'm glad you're here. I haven't seen you in a while," I say walking over to give him a hug. He was like an uncle to me, that turns green here and there.

"Same here, kid. Well the meeting is about to start so we should go in." I nod my head and me and Bruce start walking to the meeting room. Right before we got to the elevator I saw Peter, "Bruce, I will meet you up there."

I walked over to Peter and hugged him. His embrace always made me feel better, so I just needed it. "Are you ok, Stark?" Peter asks.

"I guess I am. But in the meeting we are going to try and find where my mother is. I just thought I would never have to talk about her, or even think about her ever," I say looking into Peter's eyes.

"Well don't worry, we will do this together," he kisses me on the forehead, then we walk to the elevator to get to the meeting room. We got to the meeting room, and everyone was already there. It felt like people were arguing right before we arrived.

"Ok, so we should get started. We are trying to get as much information we have on y/n mom. She went completely underground when she left, and she changed her name and such. Her name originally was Lily Easton," says Dad.

"Okay, well what do we start with first. Where did she work before she was pregnant?" asks Clint.

"She worked with Stark Industries. That's how we met," Dad says. I could tell that talking about her was killing him. "Wait, I have a background information about all of my employees in a file." He brings up a hologram with her picture on it and information.

"Damn, she could be y/n twin," says Thor. He was right. She has the same hair color, lip shape, and everything. I was getting more tense about this now. All of these thoughts keep repeating in my head:

She left because you weren't good enough. You're not good enough for anyone. She never loved you and no one will.

I don't know why I keep thinking that. I know I have a big family that loves me. It was like something was coming over me. A person's hand was waving in front of me and I realized I zoned out.

"Huh, what," I say snapping back into reality.

"We found your mom. Well not her location but her name now," says Wanda.

"Okay, well who is she?"

"Her name is Stephanie Chris. She is now married to Jack Chris. We can't find a location or anything like that," Bruce says.

"Well, what about Chris Industries. If she married Jack, wouldn't they live near the main building of that company?" Peter questions. How does Peter get all of these ideas that the most intelligent adults can't.

"Great thinking, kid," Tony says. "FRIDAY, where is the main building of Chris Industries?"

"The main building of Chris Industries just moved to UpState New York, not so far from you. They moved there from their original base in Montana 1 year ago," FRIDAY says.

"That is definitely not a coincidence that they moved here a year ago, and then is now trying to find y/n," says Steve.

"What does Chris Industries even do?" I ask.

"It is basically Stark Industries. After I closed down, a year later his business was created. They try to make the most powerful military weapons, and give it to the military," Dad says.

"Well, we need to find out where Stephanie lives, so we can get into contact with her," says Nat.

"Well we don't even know for sure that this is her fault, so no one needs to go all a-wall on her," I say, even though I could care less about what happens to her. I was so over the meeting, and talking about her, I just wanted this all to be over. "We got the information that we need, right? Once we can just track her down, then we can figure it out then."

"Uh yea. Everyone can go," Dad says. I get up and walk out of the room right away. I head to my room right away. I just have to think this out before my mind explodes.

"Ms. Stark, take a deep breath, your fine," says TK through your watch.

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