Chapter 14: Celebration

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"Are you kidding me? This is amazing?" I shriek in excitement. I have been working for this like my whole life and now it is finally here. I ran up to Dad, hugging him so tight.

"I'm proud of you, bean," he says. "How about we celebrate, tonight. How does that sound?"

"Amazing. A party for me, what could be better?" I say sarcastically and everyone laughs.

"Alright then. The celebration will start at 6. Everyone look nice," says Steve. Everyone congratulates me, and goes their separate ways. Peter grabs my hand and pulls me into his room.

"Parker, what are you doing?" I say walking into his room. He shuts the door behind him and puts his soft lips on mine. His hands grab my waist, and pull me closer to him. I cup his cheeks with my hands.

Peter breaks the kiss and says, "Congratulations y/n. I'm not gonna lie, you looked really good beating that guys ass." We both chuckle softly.

"Mm, well I think you should congratulate me like this more often," I say, pulling him back into the kiss. We stopped kissing when we heard my dad's voice, "I said 3 inches open!"

We both laugh and open the door 3 inches. For the next 3 hours, Peter and I watched movies, cuddles, and ate food. Right now we are watching Despicable Me. I am laying my head on his chest, with his arms around me. I realize it is 4:43 and that I should start to get ready. I mean, I can't look bad for a celebration for me.

"Peter, I'm going to go get ready," I say, trying to leave his arms. He pulls me back in and says, "No, you already look amazing. Stay." He makes a pouty face and stares into my eyes. I almost gave in, but I didn't.

"Bye, Parker," I say, giving him a peck on the lips and getting up from the bed. I hear him groan as I leave the room. Once I got in, I saw a box on my bed with a note.

Hey Bean,

I just wanted to say I am so proud of the person that you have become. I hope you like this, Wanda and Nat helped me pick it out. I love you tons.

Love, IronDad

I laughed at the note and opened the box. I was a nice black off the shoulder long-sleeve romper. It was simple and I loved it. I put on the romper and headed to my bathroom to start to do my makeup. I just went with a natural look, and loosely curled my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my AI earrings with a necklace. I grab my hightop converse and put them on. I'm not really a heel type girl. I look at the clock on my nightstand and see that it is 5:38. I walk back to Peter's room and open the door.

I see him standing there shirtless, with some dark jeans on. "Hey, y/n. Can you help me? I don't know what shirt to wear," he asks. I look at the two options on his bed. One was a button down navy blue shirt, and the other was a blue/white flannel shirt.

"Oh, definitely the navy blue shirt," I say. I throw the shirt at him while he throws it on.

Once he is done buttoning his shirt, he walks over to me and holds out his hand. "Are you ready, m'lady?" I giggle and put my hand out to his.

"Yes, why thank you kind sir." We both chuckled and headed out to the living room. Everyone was already there. We all talked and had fun. Everyone was drinking, besides me and Peter, and it was a bit much. I stepped outside to my balcony in my room.

My senses tingled but it was too late. A person with a gun walked up behind me, put me in a chokehold. They put the gun against my head and said, "Don't say a word, or I will pull the trigger."

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