Chapter 8: Sneaking Out

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The meeting was finally over after an hour or two. I immediately walked out of the room. I walk to the kitchen to get some water, sit on the counter and try to clear my mind.

Why would my mother even tell this Jack person about me, if she abandoned me? Why would she ever cheat on my father? Yea, he did have a phase, but everyone does, and no one deserves to be cheated on. And no one deserves to be abandoned by your mother.

My thoughts were interrupted by Peter walking over to me. He puts his hand on mine holding it. "Hey, how are you feeling? I noticed that you were a bit tense out there," he asks. His big brown eyes stare into yours.

"Oh yea. I'm great. I love having people try and put a bullet in my head and then trying to figure out who it is," we both chuckle at my sarcasm. "I'm being serious y/n. Are you okay?" He was so concerned that you just wanted to kiss him, but just in case my dad walks in, I didn't.

"I mean, I'm fine I guess. I just never thought that I was ever going to have to find my mom. Let alone because she might be the reason people are trying to kill me. It's just a lot to take in in 24 hours," you say. Peter grabs your hand to pull you off the counter and into his room. He shuts the door behind him, and smiles at me.

"Peter, what are you doing?" I say. I get interrupted by Peter's soft lips against mine. "We are going to sneak out tonight," I say, when I break away the kiss. He lets go of me with his eyes widened.

"You want to go out in public, when 24 hours ago, a man tried to shoot you in the head," he said. I nod my head proudly while saying, "Good, now you agree."

"Of course I don't agree. Mr. Stark will kill me. I don't think this is a good idea y/n."

"That's why I think it's a great idea," I giggle. "Well I'm going to leave at 11:30 tonight. You can either stay here, knowing I am all alone, or come with me and we could have some fun, without stupid adults watching us 24/7." He was seriously thinking about going or not. He sighs looking down at the floor.

He looks back up into your eyes and gives in. "Fine, under one condition," he says. "This is an official date, and I am picking where we go." I smile and giggled, "Duh, I have barely ever been out of this place, unless it was when we were moving."

-TIME SKIP TO 11:20-

Peter comes into my room, with a grey beanie on, with some curls still hanging out, a blue t-shirt with a flannel over top, with some black jeans. He looks so cute in a beanie, you just keep staring at him.

"What do I look weird?" he says and looks down at his outfit. I giggle and say, "No, you just look really good in a beanie. It suits you." He blushes, and you smile. I am wearing one of Peter's black hoodies, blue ripped jeans, and black hightop converse. I put on a watch that has a portable FRIDAY inside, in case it's needed. "Is that my hoodie, Stark? It suits you" he says with a soft laugh.

"Well I'm glad you think that, because now it's mine. Come on let's go we are wasting time here, Parker." I grab his arm and open my window. We look down and see that the ground is pretty far down.

"So, Stark, what's your plan?" Peter says, looking down. I already plan this out ahead. "First of all when did you start calling me Stark?" I ask him. He kind of got scared for a second.

"Oh, well you call me Parker, so I thought I would call you Stark. You know since it's your last name. If you don't like it I can stop," I cut him off by kissing him on the cheek. He blushes as I continue, "I like it. Well I'm going to use my telekinesis to get you down there safely, then you will make a web net at the bottom for me to jump on. Sounds good?"

"Yea." I back up from the open window and use my powers to slowly lift up Peter off of the ground. "Woah, this is so cool!" His fangirling made me giggle as I continued. I move closer to the window while lowering him to the ground. "That was the coolest thing ever," he says.

"You say that about everything. Now be quiet and set up the net." Peter webs up a net at the bottom of the window. "Okay, that should do it. Your good!" Peter says as I look down. Now it seems like a longer jump. I stand on the edge of the window. I then jump off and land in the sticky webs.

You get up and out of the webs, but a few are still on you.  "Oh right they are sticky. Hold still. Peter grabs all of the webs off of me as we walk to the car. We both get into the car, me in the driver's seat.

"Um y/n," Peter says. "Yea what's up?" I reply fidgeting with the FRIDAY watch.

"I think that you forgot, um neither of us can drive." We both giggle. "Oh honey, you think that I don't have that figured out. FRIDAY auto drive this vehicle to...," I look at Peter, remember he is choosing where we are going. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

"FRIDAY auto drive us to Miller's 24 Hour Pizzeria in Queens," Peter says and we are now heading to Queens.

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