Chapter 10: New Rules

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"What the hell!" yells my dad at the door. I wake up in Peter's arms and realize that he caught us. Peter sits up and looks at my dad then at me with his eyes wider than ever before. He immediately jumps out of the bed and onto the couch in my room.

Steve and Nat walk in. "What's going on?" ask Steve. "Is everything okay?" asks Nat.

"Why the hell is Peter in my daughters bed?" Dad yells. I could tell Steve wanted to say 'language' but didn't know he would get punched.

"Dad, you are taking this the wrong way. Me and Peter were watching a movie last night and we fell asleep. No big deal." I try to walk out of my room to get out of this situation, but Dad grabs my arm.

"Oh no you don't. You are staying here," he knew I was lying, but I know how to get out of this, I think.

"Ok, so if you guys were just watching a movie, then why were you in Peter's arms?" Dad asks. Peter was panicking but I knew I could handle it without him messing it up.

"Well it.." Dad immediately interrupts me.

"No, no, no. I want to hear Peter's explanation." Shit, we're dead.

"Mr. Stark.. I was..uh.. y/n was a..." Peter says, trying to think of a good explanation. "Cold," I coughed to get Peter to say.

"Y/n was cold, sir," Peter says.

"Yea, okay. So if she was cold, why couldn't she just use the blankets on her bed?" Dad asks.

Peter starts to panic again and then says, "Oh because I was hot." He may be good about lying about Spider-man, but holy crap he was bad at lying under pressure.

"Yea okay. Well y/n you're grounded," Dad says.

"How can you ground me, it's not like I can go anywhere anyways," I say. I probably shouldn't have though.

"Watch me. You can't be in the same room as Peter unless it is for Avenger purposes, or I am in the room. And no TV for a week. And to think, I was going to make you a suit."

"Wait, you were going to make me a suit?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Not anymore!" The smile goes away in a flash.

"Come on, Tony, they are old enough to start dating," says Nat.

Dad didn't say anything for a minute, trying to think about the situation in front of him. "Wait, why aren't you guys phased about this?" Dad asks Steve and Nat.

"Oh I found out a while ago and told everyone," Steve says. Dad got even more angry.

"Probably shouldn't have said that," says Nat.

"Oh boy y/n. You are too young to be dating anyone," Dad says trying to be all sweet.

"I'm 16, Dad. I'm old enough."

"You don't make those choices. I do," he says with more force.

"Oh no I do. You have me trapped in this stupid place 24/7. Not being able to make any friends, or meeting anyone. You control my life, but for once I will control it. Peter and I will continue this, and you can't do anything about it." Dad was in shock that I just disobey him like this.

He just stood there thinking. Him regretting doing this he says, "Fine. There are going to be some rules. No being in each other's rooms after 11. If you guys are in each other's rooms the door has to be at least 3 inches open. And no kissing or anything like that in front of me or I will stop it immediately. Is that understood?"

"Yup, of course. Now please can I go, I am hungry," I say. Dad nods and I walk to the kitchen. I overheard Dad say to Peter, "If you break her heart, I swear to Thor, you will regret it."

Peter walks out of my room more frightened than ever. Hey at least it can't get worse than this.

Future self: Boy was I wrong

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