Chapter 13: Mission Avenger

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"Ughh," I groan. I do not want to get up today. I just want to sleep, eat, watch TV and repeat. That seems like a good plan.

"Good morning, y/n."

"Good morning TK. Is there anything planned for today?" I ask her still in bed.

"Nothing is scheduled for today." Thank Thor. I was not in the mood to talk about my mother today at all. After about 30 minutes being on my phone I decided to get up for the day. I go to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. It felt so good on my skin. I would stay there all day if I didn't look like a grandma afterwards.

I get out of the shower and get dressed. I put on one of my dad's old t-shirts and a pair of leggings with some sneakers. I did my hair and brushed my teeth. I grab my AI watch and earrings. After all of this my stomach is growling. "TK, transfer to my watch and earrings."

I walk out to the kitchen and make myself some eggs. No one is in the living room or anything like that. "TK, where is everyone?"

"Everyone is on a mission." I thought I would be a part of these missions now, but I guess not. I know I'm not an avenger, but Peter was on missions before he became one. I was disappointed but let it go. I finished my eggs and my senses went off. Someone is in the building.

"TK, scan the building for any intruders." I say. I put my plate in the sink, and waited for TK to answer.

"There is someone on the first floor with a gun." This is my time to show Dad that I can be on these missions.

"Can you see who the person is?" I ask. Maybe it's someone who was trying to kill me. Maybe I can get some answers from this guy.

"No I can not. They are wearing a ski mask," TK says. I walked down the stairs to the first floor, knowing that the elevator would have made noise. Before I turned the corner I could see him from the corner of my eye.

"Y/n, should I inform your dad about the intruder?" TK asks.

"No, I don't want to mess up his mission," I whisper so the guy wouldn't hear me. I probably should have told my dad, but I wanted to do this myself.

Next thing I realize is a gunshot two feet away from my head. Crap, he noticed me. I use my powers to fly him across the room into a wall. He flies into it dropping his gun on the ground. I use my powers to grab the gun into my hands, and throw it to the side.

He stood up quickly, and came after me. I remember Nat teaching me some moves. He kicks me to the ground, and tries to punch me in the face. I dodge the punch and kick his legs out from under him.

I grab on his wrist holding him down and say, "Why are you here? Who do you work for?" The guy is much stronger than me and grabs my wrist, flipping me over and holding me down to the ground.

Dad is going to kill me for this, but he can't kill me if I'm already dead. Plus I really don't care. I use my powers to fly an expensive vase over and hit him in the head. The vase shatters, and he falls over and passes out.

I stood up in victory. "Haha, sucker. Yea that's right, a teenager just whooped your ass!" I hear more footsteps coming and then claps with it. It was a whole group of people.

"Well done. But really, you had to use that vase?" It was Dad and everyone else. I was so confused. I thought they were on a mission.

"Why are you guys here? TK said you were on a mission," I said looking at all of them. Peter runs up to me and hugs me. I am still very confused but hug him back anyways.

"We were on a mission, Stark. Mission Avenger," Peter says, releasing from the hug.

"Huh. I'm still very confused," I say. Everyone chuckles and Dad adds on, "You were the mission bean. To see if you could handle being attacked by someone armed, and trained."

I look over to the guy who attacked me and see him taking off his masks. It was one of the body guards my dad has for press conferences.

"So you guys set this up?" I ask.

"All of it," Steve says.

I turn around to the bodyguard, "Sorry, I hope your head is ok." I turn back around to everyone else, "So what does this all mean then?"

"Welcome to the Avengers, babe."

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