Chapter 3

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Next day              
A/N: I am going to do 3rd person and POV's


I woke up at 8:30 in the morning, I was exhausted. I took a shower, put on some sweats and a sweatshirt.

I went downstairs and saw josh. "What are you doing here," I asked. "I'm your boyfriend, why can't I come to your house," he said in an annoyed tone.

"Well at least ask first, "I said under my breath following with an eye roll. "LISTEN, BITCH, I CAN COME TO YOUR HOUSE WHENEVER I WANT TO" he yelled.

I sighed and before I knew it he slapped me. This was regular, I couldn't do anything to stop it. The only person that knows about this is Emily.

I held my red cheek, trying not to press on it. I grabbed some ice from my freezer and put it in a bag.

I put it on my face and sat down on my couch. I didn't even notice Josh left, I looked around and spotted the remote.

I turned on the TV only to see the guy from the V.I.P room. It was the Italian one, "There was another Homicide last night near the Paris Hilton Club" the News Reporter stated.

I turned off my
  TV and took a little nap.

A few hours later

I woke up from my nap and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed myself a mango and ate it. I went to my room and grabbed my phone.

It was 2:00 and my shift started at 2:30. I quickly got dressed and ran to my car. I started my car and drove to the club.



"Why do they look so similar," I said while playing with my bracelet. "Well she does look like Kathy," Alejandro said.

I sighed "You wanna go back," Kairi stated. "If you guys wanna go I'm down".We all agreed on going back to Paris Hilton Club.

When we got there we automatically got a V.I.P room. I'm good friends with the guy that owns the place.

We sat down and talked for a while.
"But Kathy was Toxic, she cheated on you the whole time, "Kairi said. "Yeah, but she was also my first love".

"You obviously still love her if you have that bracelet on", "Alejandro said while biting the inside of his cheek.

"No I don't It's just a reminder not to fall in love ", I said in a shocked tone.

"She died and now all you do is kill for fun, take a break sometimes", Kairi said while rubbing his hands together, that's when someone opened the door.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now