Chapter 6

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A few day later

Megan got back home exhausted, she changed into some sweat pants and put on a tube top. She plopped herself on her couch and grabbed the remote.

She turned on the TV but only to see a News Reporter "Here on Rosevelt Avenue there is yet another Homicide".

Megan took a deep breath and paused the TV. "Mattia" Megan mumbled as she put both of her fingers on her temples and started rubbing them.

Then all of a sudden Megan's stomach started rumbling. She looked at her stomach and laughed.


"That's it," Megan said to the pizza guy on the other end of her phone. She hung up and put her phone on the table.

She sat back down on her couch and put her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes and thought, thought about Mattia.

Sexually thoughts. How his lips felt or how it felt for him to tease her.

But her thoughts got interpreted by a bang on her door. She stood up and mumbled, "That was fast".She opened the door not to see the pizza guy but to see the 3 guys.

They pushed her aside and made their way to the restroom. "Do you know how to stitch up cuts?" Alejandro said in panic.


"Yeah," I said quickly, Mattia sat on my toilet and took off his shirt. He turned around and there was a big cut on his left shoulder.

"Give me a rag it's in the kitchen under the sink," I told Kairi. I put my hand over Mattia's cut and said "What did you get yourself into".

Before he could speak Kairi burst through the door with a rag. I quickly grabbed the rag and put some alcohol on it.

"This might hurt a little," I said before I pressed the rag against his cut. He groaned a little as I applied a little more pressure so all the blood could soak on the rag.

Once he stopped bleeding I turned him back around so he was facing me. I turned to his side and started stitching him up.

"Talk to me" I mumbled "You look very pretty today" "Thank you," I said while finishing up.

"What happened" "well I went to go kill someone and I didn't know they had friends so they tried to beat me up and I called Alejandro and Kairi and told them to come where I am. End of story we killed them" Mattia said.

I nodded my head and said "All done" then I heard a knock on the door. "I'll be right back," I said while walking out the door that was in the restroom.

While I was walking to the door Kairi said "who is at the door" "I think the pizza man" he nodded his head and plopped himself on my couch.

But I opened the door to see Josh instead "What are you doing here" "I need pleasure, I need you please" he said while grabbing my arm.

"Not right now, I have people over," I said "are you cheating on me," he said. That's when Alejandro came "Is the pizza- who are you".

"I'm her boyfriend" josh responded. "Can you leave-" before I could finish my sentence he punched me in the face.

I quickly walked away from Josh and Alejandro and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt my eyes began to water.

"What happened" I jumped a little, I quickly wiped my eyes and said "I forgot you were in here" following by a little laugh.

He smiled but it quickly turned into a frown "what happened to your cheek" "My boyfriend happened".
"Are you okay", I looked at him and said "Yeah".

Then he got a text message "I gotta go" he said while getting up. "Okay," I said following him to the living room.

But when we got there I saw Alejandro and Kairi beating up Josh. Josh punched Alejandro in the face and he fell.

Josh quickly got up and made eye contact with Mattia "So your fucking all of them" "I'm not" I yelled.

"Just know that they will never give you more pleasure than I do," he said. I scoffed and said, "Fuck you".

"That's what I came here to do but I guess you're messing with other men you wh-" before he could finish his sentence Mattia took out his gun and shot him.

I felt relieved but that didn't change the fact that he just killed my boyfriend. "I-I'm going to go to sleep," I mummbled.

I tried to smile at them but I couldn't, "Good night" I said as I made my way to my room. I planted myself on my bed and went to sleep hoping I could wake up from this terrific dream.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now