Chapter 14

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"no, NO NO," I said as I stood up. "THIS IS FAKE," I yelled while putting my hands over my face.

"Just give her space," Kairi remarked "AND KATHY FUCKING PLAYED ME" I screamed as I punched a hole through my room wall.

I squeezed my hand so hard that my nails dug into my skin, causing me to bleed. "Chill out," Alejandro said.

"NO IM NOT GOING TO CHILL OUT" I screamed at him. He tried to touch my shoulder but I immediately pushed it off of me.

"Can you guys just get out" I muttered. "But-" "GET THE FUCK OUT" I screamed at them. They soon left and I sat on my bed not knowing what to do.

"God it's my fucking birthday, I should be having fun and partying," I said to myself. I then remembered she gave me a note.


Happy birthday, Mattia, I hope you're having a wonderful day. I think I need some time for myself for a few weeks or so.

You are a really special guy and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I think it is best if we stay away from each other. Take care 

- Megan

End of Note

How could she be so nice about this? My family literally killed hers, I took a deep breath and felt tears coming out my eyes.

I immediately wiped them away, I don't cry I didn't even cry when Kathy died. I had to see her, just see how she was doing.


I couldn't stop crying this was too much to take in. Then I heard a knock on the door. I looked at myself through my vanity, I had an ugly messy bun and my eyes were puffy.

I took my hair out quickly and wiped my eyes. I opened my door to see flowers on the floor. There was a little note attached to it.


I'm sorry

- Mattia ♥︎

End of Note

I took a deep breath and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I smiled as tears came running down my face, I looked to see if he was around the area or anything.

But I saw nothing, I took a deep breath and wiped my tears then something caught my eye. I looked that directions and saw a little piece of hair sticking out.

I looked down and smiled knowing it was Mattia. However, I knew I had to push those feelings behind me.

I took the flowers and started to walk inside but before I went inside I yelled out "You should find a better hiding spot".

I quickly ran back in before he could have a response. I walked back into my room and plopped myself on my bed.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now