Chapter 9

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I woke up with Mattia's arms around my waist. I smiled and got up. I grabbed some clothes and made my way to the restroom.

I took a shower and did my morning routine. I put on a big t-shirt and some shorts before leaving the restroom.

I walked back into my room to see Mattia still sleeping. I walked over to him and said "Mattia get up".

He stayed in the same position, I lifted up my eyebrow and put 1 of my hand on his member. I saw a smirk grow on his face.

"Sorry, my hand slipped," I said while taking my hand off of him. "Get up Mattia" I groaned while shaking him. I paused and grabbed my phone "it's 11:57 am,11.57 AM" I screamed.

Mattia sprang up "Shit I didn't know I was sleeping for that long," he said while fixing his hair in my vanity.

He then proceeded to open up my window "Just go through the door" I said in a 'duh' tone. "What's the fun in that" and with that he was gone.

I fixed myself up and started getting ready for my afternoon shift.


"Dad I'm home" I screamed, "Where were you," Alejandro said while coming out the training room, Kairi following shortly.

"I was running errands," I said while cracking my knuckles out of nervousness. "Yeah right, we all know you were out with Megan," Kairi said making a girl voice.

"Did you pop her cherry?" Alejandro said. "No, not everything is about sex," I said while rolling my eyes.

"So let me guess you guys cuddled," ale said in sarcasm. I looked down, I was a bad liar. "No way, Never in a million years would I think Mattia would go soft" Kairi yelled while laughing.

"You didn't even cuddle with Kathy" ale said lifting up an eyebrow "You always had sex with her" he added.

"So have you made your move yet," Kairi said trying to change the subject. "I mean I did kiss her but she didn't kiss back," I said lowering my voice in the last part.

"Ouch," Kairi said, I could see his face get red from holding in his laughter. I scoffed and said, "Does my dad want us to do anything".

"No today is a free day" ale said in excitement.



I was finally done with my shift. I said bye to Emily and left the club. I started my car and I was going to go but, heard my phone buzzed.

(***)- *** - ****

Who is this

(***)- *** - ****
Your crush

Damon is that you

Who is Damon I will literally kill him
If he lays a finger on you

Relax he is just a celebrity crush

What are you doing

Nothing much, I just got off of work

I'll be waiting for you at your house bye

C u later

I turned off my phone and drove to my house.


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