Chapter 12

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"Do you think I did something wrong?" Mattia asked the 2 boys that were in front of him. "Pshh, No you didn't do anything wrong," Kairi said with sarcasm.

Mattia lifting up his middle finger at the boy and started cracking his knuckles. He was frustrated, Megan made Mattia feel happy and he needed that now.

The kiss he shared with Megan meant a lot to him and he didn't know what he did wrong. Mattia went
to his room and sat on his bed.

He grabbed his phone and called the only girl he could always rely on.

A few minutes later

Mattia heard a knock on his door, he stood up and opened it. "You always come for more," she said while cupping his face.

It immediately reminded Mattia of Megan, when she did that to him. Her soft pinkish lips and her olive skin. He loved how she always smelled like fresh blossoms. Then he remembered the time he saw her naked.

His thoughts got cut off by Jora "You already hard for me" she said while going lower and lower.

The next day


I woke up early today, especially because it was my birthday. I got Jora off of me and sighed. I went downstairs and saw my dad.

I knew he forgot my birthday, he did last year and the year after. "Good morning," I said while pouring myself some coffee. "Good morning," he said and then left.

I sighed in disappointment there was a little part of me that maybe thought he remembered, but I guess not.

I drank my coffee and a few minutes later I heard Alejandro and Kairi get up.

There was a possibility they would forget but probably not, right?

"Hey bro," Alejandro said while coming into the kitchen. "Hey" I responded, soon Kairi came in and he greeted me.

We talked for a while until Kairi said "Well I'm going to train" "me too" Alejandro replied to Kairi. Was this a joke everybody forgot about my birthday.

I need to clear my mind so I went back to my room and took a shower.

While I was in the shower I heard the doorbell ring "I'll get it" Jora yelled "okay" I responded.

Once I was all done showering I saw Jora laying on my bed. "Who was at the door?" I questioned "Just some random girl".

My heart dropped "W-well what did she w-want" "She dropped off a present but don't worry I threw it away" Jora replies to me.

"WHAT, GO GET IT" I screamed. "Ooh aggressive," she said while walking towards me.

I was mad, "JORA GO GIVE ME THE PRESENT OR I WILL BUST YOUR FUCKING BRAINS" I screamed at her. She looked scared, she immediately left and soon came back with a bag.

I took out my gun and shot her. "I should've killed her earlier" I mumbled. I sat on my bed and a few seconds later Kairi and Alejandro burst threw my room.

"What happened," Kairi said. I looked at Jora and giggled a little "oh". "What is that," Alejandro said while pointing at the present that was next to me.

"Supposedly Megan got this for me" "Why would she give you a present," Kairi said "Suprise it's my birthday," I said.

"Wait today's May 16," Alejandro said "Yeah," I said in a 'duh' tone. It fell silent, I grabbed the bag and opened it.

There was a tape with a sticky note that said 'explains everything'.I took the tape out and saw that there was a note too.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now