Chapter 11

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I woke up with Mattia's arm around me. I got up, took a shower, and did my morning routine.

"MEGAN" I heard Mattia yell from my room. I stopped brushing my teeth and said "yeah" "oh, I thought you left" he sighed.

"Why would I leave my apartment,"  I said following by a giggle. I walked back into my room and saw Mattia getting dressed.

"I need to go" he muttered while putting on his shoes. "Okay," I said while walking over to him.

I gave him a peck on the lips and said "bye" "bye, talk to you later" he responded.

He left and I decided I was going to talk to Taylor. I found some cereal in the cabinets and ate some. I looked in the mirror and examined my outfit.

 I looked in the mirror and examined my outfit

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"Cute" I muttered while looking at my ass. I made my way to Taylor's room and just walked in. "Ahh" I jumped up in surprise leaving the apartment as quickly as I can.

I just walked in on Taylor and Kairi kissing, "umm you can come in now" I heard someone say from inside.

I opened the door and couldn't help but laugh "stop acting like you and Mattia didn't-" I cut her off, "how did you know" I questioned her.

"You guys were loud, like really fucking loud I bet people from downstairs could hear you. You were like-" "shut the fuck up" I said while covering my face.

"What do you wanna do today," I asked her, "I got to go, Mattia needs me," Kairi said while kissing Taylor on her cheek. They said bye to each other and Kairi left.

"Do you want to go shopping?" she said while getting up. "Sure" I replied, "let me get dressed," she said as she left to her room.

I grabbed my phone and looked on Instagram.


I didn't react this time because I knew Mattia was going to deal with it.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm working on my other book but I promise the next chapter will be a lot longer 👽


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