Chapter 8

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A few days later

"Kathy is that you," I said while looking around an empty park. Something caught my eye it was Kathy, "Kathy" I yelled while chasing after her.

All of a sudden I no longer saw her. I went to the swings and sat on them.thinking.Then I heard a gunshot I looked behind me and saw 2 people standing in front of Kathy's dead body.

"Kathy" I screamed while waking up from my horrific dream. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs I went to the kitchen and took out some sleeping pills.

I took 2 pills and drank some water after. I walked back into my room and saw someone sitting on my bed.

"Hello," I said while turning on my light switch. "Mattia," I said while taking a big sigh. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming" he shrugged his shoulders in response.

I walked to my bed and sat down. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something" "umm sure" he replied. I grabbed my remote and laid down.

"What do you wanna watch," I said. He said nothing "Mattia why are you being so dry like talk to me, "I said in an annoyed tone.

He looked at me and said, "I hate you!" I then felt a burning sensation in my heart. I turned around so I wasn't facing him anymore.

"You have some kind of effect on me it drives me crazy. I think about you every single day, you're my weakness" he said.

I turned around and pulled him into a hug. I cuddled into him while he was just stiff. "Why are you so stiff," I said following by a giggle.

"It's weird I've never done this before," he said. "Just relax" I responded while putting my head into his chest.

Soon his stiffness was gone I felt my eyes started to close but before I did I whispered "Good night Mattia" and before he could say something I was knocked out.

Sorry for the short chapter 👽 yes this is my new favorite emoji 👽👽👽👽


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now