Chapter 5

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A few days later

"You just need to sign out these papers," the nurse said while handing me some papers so I can leave the hospital.
I signed them out and returned them to the nurse.

I haven't seen Mattia ever since he almost said I love you to me.

The nurse returned all my belongings and let me go. "Thanks," I said to the nurse as I left the hospital.

I made it to my house and plopped myself on my bed. I was going to miss these moments, I grabbed all my stuff and put it into boxes.

Then I moved to Kathy's room it was pretty messed up from the hole I broke on the floor. But, I covered it up with her carpet. I took all her personal belongings and put them into boxes.

All the extra stuff I had in my house that I didn't need, I sold online.

2 days later

Everything was packed, but I knew I needed to do one last thing before I left and that was to see Mattia.

I drove to his house and parked on the side. As I was walking up to his porch I heard moaning sounds. Is he for reals I thought to myself?

Was he actually having sex, at this point, I wasn't even that sad I always have bad luck I guess that's how it is.

But I wanted to show him some sympathy so I walked up to his front porch and knocked on it. But only to see an older looking man looking back at me.

He took out his gun and stated "Kathy how are you alive" "I'm not Kathy I'm Megan" I said while playing with my fingers.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said while putting his gun back in his pants. "I know that Mattia is busy right now but can you tell him that I said bye," I told the man.

He nodded his head and said "okay".I smiled at him and went back to my car. I sat there not knowing what to do my lover practically cheated.

What am I saying we were never together!

I sighed and put my head on the steering wheel. I then realized that I might miss my plane. I drove to the airport as fast as I could and got on my plane.



After I had sex with some random chick. I thought maybe that would get my mind off of Megan but it didn't, It made me feel guiltier.

I took a deep breath and told the girl to leave. "What No," she said while trying to hug me. "Leave or I'll bust you fucking brains" I yelled.

The girl's eyes widened and left, I sat on my bed and realized I was all icky. I then got up to take a shower, as I took a shower thousands of thoughts flooded my head.

Do I love her?

I wonder what she is doing right now


Then they turned into inappropriate thoughts. Mattia shook his head not wanting to think about that stuff.

Once Mattia was done with his shower he put on some clothes and did his regular routine.

A few hours later

Mattia went to bed exhausted, he closed his eyes but they would open every once and awhile.

Mattia got up and went down to the kitchen to go get some sleeping pills. His eyes fluttered open when he saw his dad drinking coffee in the dining room.

He walked pasted him but got stopped "Matti come here for a second," his dad said. He sat next to his dad and mumbled "Yeah".

"Some girl came to visit you" Mattia's sighed of guilt, "she told me to tell you 'bye'" his dad told him. "What," he said in a confused face.

Mattia got up and grabbed his keys, and made his way to his car. He drove to Megan's house as fast as he could and knocked on her door.

Nobody answered Mattia took a deep breath, "Look, Megan, I-I love you a lot. You're the reason I want to wake up in the morning. You make me feel things that nobody has ever made me felt, you make me feel important, special like I'm the only man in the world."

"I know that you might be mad at me right now but, how about we try and give it a chance," Mattia added. Nobody responded maybe she isn't here he thought to himself.

But curiosity got the best of him and he busted the door open. But only to find an empty house, "w-what" he muttered under his breath.

He ran to her room only to find it empty as well. The stench of blossoms were still there, he was hurting. He collapsed on the floor he had never let his emotions out but this time he did.


SIKE THE BOOK WILL GO ON ☺️👻 okay but thank you so much for 40k 😚

Posted 2 chapters today 🙃


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