Chapter 5

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I got to my house and saw Josh waiting for me. I parked my car and got out of it. I started walking to the main entrance where josh was.

"Josh please not today," I said while moving past him. He grabbed my wrist and yelled, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO".

Then he started leaning in, I slightly pushed him away and said "Josh, I said No" then he slapped me. "Ouch J-" I got cut off by him punching me in the stomach.

Then I blacked out.


I heard faint sounds of people talking, I didn't want to get a beating again so I said "Josh I'm sorry". I turned to the voices but I saw Mattia, Alejandro, and Kairi in my house instead.

"What are you guys doing here" I questioned. "We were going through this neighborhood and we found you outside your house so we took you inside," he said.

"Thanks" "I'm going to use the bathroom," I said as I got up. I went to the restroom and looked at myself. I lifted up my shirt and saw a big bruise.

I took off my shirt and put some healing lotion on my hands. I started rubbing my bruise and applying a little pressure.

Then Mattia walked in "Get out" I screamed. "What's on your stomach," he said. "Nothing," I said while turning around.

I was in my bra so it was kinda awkward. He turned me over so I was facing him he pulled my hands down, he saw my Gigantic bruise.

"Now get out I need to change," I said while pushing him out the door. "okay chill out baby " he giggled "out".

After I finished massaging my bruise I put on my shirt and walked back out. I didn't feel comfortable in my work clothes so I said "Be right back", I went to my room.

And I changed into some sweats pants with a big sweater. I walked back in the living room and plopped myself on my couch. "What do you guys want to know," I said.

"What do you mean," Mattia said. "Well, your obviously here for a reason" "No we're not," Mattia responded.

I shrugged my shoulders "okay" I grabbed the remote and put on some television. "Do you guys wanna watch Family Guy it's really funny" I said, following by a laugh.

Alejandro lifted up his eyebrow "Do you know who we are" he said, "Aren't you guys Mafia serial Killers?" I said while standing up.

"Pshh No," Mattia said sarcastically, I laughed and said "yeah right" I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed myself some red vine Licorice.

I made my way back to the living room and said "why you guys acting like you haven't interacted with a person in ages" they stayed silent.

"You want one," I asked Mattia who was just staring at me "How do I know you not trying to poison me", I lifted my eyebrow.

"Just eat the god damn candy," I said. Then Kairi snatches it out of my hand and ate it, "it's good".

I laid my back on my couch a said "How long are you guys going to be here for". "We are about to leave," Mattia said while getting up. "What, No," Kairi said while Mattia was giving him a death stare.

"I get it you guys got to take care of business and stuff,". They got up and before they left I yelled "Bye".


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