Chapter 6

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1 month later

"Do we have to go back to New Jersey?" Megan told her roommate. "You don't have to come," she said throwing her hands up. "I'm not missing your birthday Taylor" Megan responded.

It was her roommates birthday and she was going to go visit her family in New Jersey. Megan sighed and put some important stuff into her suitcase.


"We're here" Taylor squealed, "New Jersey" I mumbled under my breath. "So my mom got us each an apartment," she said while smiling.

Taylor is very rich, her parents invented Kevlar or something. I smiled at her and looked at the time, it was 9:47 pm.

"Look at that hot guy staring at you" Taylor whispered. "He is hot but not my type" "STFU," she said while laughing.

"c'mon I need to get some sleep," I said while she ordered a Uber.

The Uber soon came and we got in. We made it to the apartments, Taylor was a few apartments down from mine. "Goodnight," I said as I waved at her, "Goodnight" I replied.

The next day

"I heard that Taylor's back in town" Kairi stated. "Yeah, do you guys wanna visit her," Alejandro said, "No" I exclaimed.

"Why not" "because we haven't seen her in forever" I explained to them. "She was like one of our best friends," Kairi remarked.

"Fine" I sighed in frustration, "do you want me to call her" "No let's surprise her," Kairi said.

We all got ready and drove to her apartment. We knew where it was already because she stays there every time she comes to visit.

We knocked on her door and she opened it. "Oh my god, hey you guys it's so nice to see you" "come in" she added.


"Yeah I actually came with my roommate" she explained. "What's her name," I asked "her name is-" she got cut off by a loud slam coming from the door.

Then I heard a familiar voice that made my stomach flutter.

Then I heard a familiar voice that made my stomach flutter

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.short chapter 😭😏

Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now