Chapter 12

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"Hurry up Taylor," I said while playing with the end of my hair. "Coming" she yelled, she came out of her room and was wearing jeans with a crop top.

"Cute outfit" "thanks" she responded, we made our way out of her apartment and got to the mall.

"Do you want to eat first or after?" Taylor asked "after" I answered. She nodded her head and I lead her to the American eagle.

"I've been wanting a new pair of mom jeans for awhile" I muttered under my breath.

Taylor was looking at some sunglasses and I told her "I'm going to look at the jeans ", she nodded her head in response and I went to the jean aisle.

Then it went black


"Is that all we got to do?" Kairi said while wiping blood off of his face. "No, we need to pay a visit to someone," I told him.

We went back to my house and I went into the computer room. I hacked into the apartment, security cameras, and went back to the day Megan and Mark bumped into each other.

I then zoomed in on his face and did a face recognition, his name was Mark Zola.

I got his house address, phone number, and other things. I grabbed my keys and told Kairi he didn't need to come with me because I knew he was exhausted.

I got in my car and drove to his house.


I knocked on his door and nobody answer, I knocked one more time just to make sure. And nobody answered so I pulled out my gun and shot the doorknob.

I walked in and examined the house, looking in little places, big places, practically everywhere.

I sat on his couch and thought if I were a stalker where would I put my stuff then it hit me, it's probably in his basement.

I looked for his basement and finally found it, I tried opening the door but it was locked. I then pulled out my gun and shot the doorknob.

The door creaked slowly as if I was in a movie, I laughed and kicked the door open with my foot. Revealing something I didn't expect to see.

Megan, Megan was everywhere pictures of her hung on the walls,everywhere. I examined the room and saw a drawer that was labeled nudity.

I gulped and walked towards it slowly, I pulled it open and the first thing I saw was me fucking her. My eyes immediately widen and I grabbed the pictures.

The other ones whereof her naked or showering. I grabbed all the pictures and saw a drawer that was labeled with my name.

I walked towards it a pulled the drawer open, to reveal stuff of me and her, like at the diner, cuddling, and some even from when we first met.

How long was he her stalker for I thought to myself?

I took a deep breath and collected all of the pictures. I put them in the middle of the room and set them on fire.

I walked out of his house not caring if his house burnt to ashes, I knew what I had to do and that was to find Megan and to kill Mark.

I promised a long chapter


I drove to Megan apartment and knocked on her door. She didn't answer, I sighed maybe she is with Taylor I thought.

I walked to Taylor's apartment and opened the door to see Alejandro and Taylor kissing. "Shit" she mumbled under her breath.

"Hey," Alejandro said while getting up, "why are you here Mattia," she said while biting her nails.

"Have you guys seen Megan?" I asked, "well she disappeared at the Mall and I went back to the apartments to see if I could find her, and I couldn't. So I called Alejandro so he could help me since Kai told me he was working with you. And then stuff happened ..." she said the last part while putting her head down.

I rose my eyebrow and realized she was talking to Kairi. My eyes immediately opened and a chuckle came out of my mouth.

"C'mon Alejandro we need to find Megan," I said while putting my hand out. "I want to go too," Taylor said while crossing her arms.

I took a deep breath and muttered  "fine", we got out of the apartments and made our way to my car. Alejandro and I sat in the front and Taylor sat in the back.

I gave Alejandro my phone, "Ale can you track Megan's phone," I asked him.

"Yeah" he replied, I tapped my finger against my thigh. I can't let anything happen to Megan, she is the love of my life.

Then I realized what I had just thought, my heart began beating rapidly and I felt my hands getting sweaty.

"Got a place" Alejandro yelled, I heard a commotion from the backseat "you scared the shit out of me" Taylor yelled. Alejandro laughed and handed me back my phone so I could drive to where Megan was.


I woke up in a room that I was not familiar with, my hands and feet were tied to a chair. "where am I" I yelled, then someone walked through the door, it was Mark.

He walked over to me and brushed his hand against my jaw carelessly. I sucked in my breath, I was scared.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you like all the other guys" he whispered in my ear, which made shivers down my spine.

"Get away from me" I yelled, he looked like he was surprised by the way I acted. "Talk to me in that tone again I will hurt you" he screamed at me.

"I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me" I mumbled, "not you, I would probably kill, Taylor or Mattia," he said calmly while shrugging his shoulders.

Sorry if there is mistakes on here 😔😏


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