The End 🥺🙈

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I heard a knock on my door, I didn't feel like getting up so I yelled "come in" "Alejandro the paper is over here"
I added.

"It's not Alejandro it's Mattia" "oh" I responded, he came into my room and said "how are you doing" "alright," I said as I fidgeted with my fingers.

"How is your dad" "he actually doing better, he got shot in the stomach" he stated.

My heart dropped, It immediately reminded me of Taylor. I tried to hide the tears coming down my face but I couldn't.

He pulled me into his chest and mumbled "everything is going to be okay". We laid down together in silence, not awkward silence but, comfortable silence.

I wrapped one of my legs around him and he pulled me closer into him making me smell his cologne. I eventually fell asleep.


I wasn't tired, I got up carefully not trying to wake up Megan and looked around her apartment. Then I remembered she had a note for Alejandro.

I looked for the note and found it, I sat down on her bed and read it.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to describe how I feel, I've been trying for at least an hour and been getting nowhere with it. The best thing that I can describe is that I'm drowning in honey so everything's slowed down even if I wanted to I can't move faster. Inside I feel numb but at the same time incredible amounts of pain that never leaves even if I'm doing something that I once enjoyed. All colors around me that once were really bright and pretty now look sort of a dull grey color. I feel like I try so hard, yet nothing is ever good enough. It's wanting to be loved and understood but then being disappointed in others and myself. I feel like I'm a disappointment and everybody knows it but they just don't want to hurt my feelings.

My heart ached knowing she felt like this, I want her to be happy.

I put the note down and woke her up. "Megan wake up, I want to take you somewhere," I said while lightly tapping her shoulder.

She rubbed her eyes and muttered "okay", she put on some presentable clothes and did some light makeup while I watched.

"You don't need makeup," I said while kissing her cheek from behind. She turned around and pecked me on the lips "where are we going" she asked.

"It's a surprise"


We walked to the car and got in, "just tell me where we are going, I hate surprises" I plead, "Sorry Megan" he said while placing his hand on my thigh.

I looked at him and he was stared at the rode, but I could see a smirk on his face. I giggled and pushed his shoulder lightly.


"We're here !" He screamed, I looked up to see a beautiful beach house.

"Oh, Mattia this is too much," I said, "No it's not c'mon let's go look at the beach " he stated

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"Oh, Mattia this is too much," I said, "No it's not c'mon let's go look at the beach " he stated. I looked at him and smiled, "okay" I said as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

A/N not like the debby ryan face but more normal

He lead me to the beach and we sat on the ground. I took in the beautiful view and put my head on Mattia's shoulder. "M-Megan" Mattia spoke, I could tell he was nervous, "yeah".

He got up and stared at me.

"Megan you make me happy, you make me feel special. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You mean the world to me I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're the most important human that's ever stepped in my life. Your not a disappointment, your one of the most kindest people I have ever met. I don't care about life's twists and turns, ups, and downs. As long as I see your face, I only smile and never frown. What I'm trying to say is that I Love You." he exclaimed.

I was at the verge of crying, he made me feel like I was important.Like I was special, I was speech left.

Once he noticed I didn't say anything he started getting nerves. I quickly pulled him into a hug and said "I Love You Too" he smiled and I pulled him into a passionate kiss. I pulled away, "and it all started with a homicide".

꧁The End꧂

For my next book should it be Mafia romance or normal romance. Comment !


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