Chapter 11

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"Are you okay?" I said while cupping his face. I looked behind me to see joshes lifeless body.

My eyes got glossy, Josh wasn't always like this. I knew it was for the best he practically almost raped me.

I got up and grabbed my first aid kit with a wet rag. I set the stuff next to Mattia and took out his phone from his pant.

I called Kairi.

What do you want now, Mattia

Mattia or so he thought
No, it's Megan Mattia is in a bad condition right now can you come to my house

Yeah me and Alejandro are on it


I put his cell phone back in his pocket and started cleaning up the cuts he had on his face.

"Are you okay" he groaned, "I'm fine, Kairi and Alejandro are coming" I responded.

"Where is he? " Mattia said, I knew he was talking about josh. I turned my head so I was looking to the side. I couldn't help but tear up, Mattia grabbed my chin so I was facing him.

"I killed him but it was for the best," I said forcing a smile on my face while tears flooded my eyes.

That's when his lips touched mine. And I wasn't expecting it so I didn't kiss back. He immediately pulled away and said, "I'm sorry-".

But before he could finish his sentence I pulled him into a passionate kiss. I pulled away and a smile was on his face.

I lifted up his shirt and started cleaning more of his cuts and bruises. That's when Kairi and Alejandro busted in "MATTIA ARE YOU OKAY" Alejandro screamed.

I couldn't help but giggle a little. "I'm fine" he groaned, "Umm what happened".I was going to say something but got cut off by Mattia "Josh tried to kill me and Megan so I killed him".

I looked at Mattia and smiled, "You clean up Mattia while we get this cleaned up" Kairi said while pointing to the mess. I nodded in response and grabbed some bruising oil.

"Thank you," I said under my breath so Kairi and Alejandro couldn't hear. "No problem," he said in response.


"Bye guys," I said while waving at the 3 boys that were leaving my house. "Bye," they all said in response.

Once they left I felt my eyes get watery. 'Did I actually just kill josh' I said to myself. I knew that he had done some very bad things to me but he doesn't deserve death.

I felt guilty, I felt mad, but I mostly felt sad. And somehow I made my way into Kathy's old room.

I stood there in the middle of the room and just thought. Thought about how life would be if Kathy was still here.

I sat down on her carpet and slammed my fist in the ground. 'What' I mentally said to myself, It was hollow.

I immediately stood up and threw the carpet on the other side of the room. I ran to my bathroom and grabbed a hammer that was under my sink.

I made my way back to Kathy's room and started breaking the hollow part of the floor.

And there it stood ...


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now