Chapter 1

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I woke up in a black room, I tried to move but I couldn't. My legs were tied up and my hands were too. Then I heard yelling upstairs "I told you not to hurt her" someone yelled.

I heard a lot of commotion, I needed sleep this was all too much to handle.


A few days later


I was exhausted, I sold 50 pounds of drugs today. I sighed and plopped myself on my couch, "you wanna go get some drinks" Kairi said while coming into my room.

"What if we see Megan" I mumbled, "if we do it won't be a big deal unless you make it one" he responded. I got up and asked, "Where is Alejandro".

"Right here," he said while coming out the corner. I grabbed my keys and said, "let's go".


We walked into the club and went to our usual spot, in the V.I.P room. Soon Emily came in "What do you guys wanna order" she declared with a nasty attitude.

I ignored it because I knew that if I killed her it would make Megan hate me more than she already does. "1 bottle of tequila" I sneered earning an eye roll from her.

"Why are you acting like such a bitch" I blurted out. "Because I know you did something with Megan and I'm going to find out" she screamed at me on the verge of crying.

"She hasn't been answering my calls and when I went to her house she was gone. And I know that you took her, everything is always connected to you," she said as she ran out the door.

I was shocked, she was missing and I just found out. I immediately grabbed my keys and walked out of the club without saying a word to Kairi or Alejandro.

I got in my car and drove to Megan's house.

I am sorry for the short chapter.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now