Chapter 7

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I woke up excited, today me and Taylor were going to go shopping. I straight ironed my hair and put on a beautiful blue dress.

 I straight ironed my hair and put on a beautiful blue dress

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I put on some of my favorite shoes, (your favorite shoes).
I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I reached my hand out for my blossom perfume but, it wasn't there.

I knew Taylor had some so I walked out of my room and went to hers. And I accidentally bumped into someone in the process.

"Sorry" I muttered quickly, "Hi I'm Mark" "Umm I'm Megan". "It's nice to meet you," he said while putting his hand out "nice to meet you too" I stated while I shook his hand.

He was acting weird, It kind of creeped me out.

"I got to go," I said sounding like I was in a rush. "Can I have your number" "yeah it's (***) - *** - ****" I remarked.

"Bye," I said while walking to Taylor's room "bye". I busted into Taylor's room and said "You will never believe what happened".

I didn't bother looking at her, I just went into the bathroom instead so I can find her perfume. "Taylor, I'm going to use some perfume," I said but she didn't reply.

I sighed "so anyways while I was coming here, you know that guy you thought was hot. I bumped into him and he was acting so weird. Anyways he asked for my number and obviously, I said yes because I'm a nice person. But I would never date him there is something off about him, anyways if he tries to make plans with me and I use you as an excuse to not go, go with it. " I yelled making sure she could hear.

Once I was done spraying perfume I screamed "Taylor, why the fuck are you not saying anything" "we have guest over" she remarked.

I put some lipstick on and fixed my hair a little bit. "I'll be out in a minute" I yelled making sure she could hear me.

I walked out of the restroom and said "I'm Mea-" but I stopped once I made eye contact with Mattia.



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