Chapter 9

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I got woken up by flashes, I sat up and looked at my surrounds only to see nothing. "What happened" Mattia groaned, "I thought I heard something" I muttered.

I got up but Mattia pulled me back down. "Few more minutes," he said. I pulled back and got up "Mattia c'mon Kairi, Alejandro, and Taylor are probably worried about us".

He groaned and I pulled him out of bed, "I'm hungry I haven't eaten breakfast yet" I said while grabbing my bag.
"You wanna go to Pop's Diner" Mattia stated, "sure" I answered.

We left the apartment and got into his car, "did you tell Taylor and the boys we were leaving" I asked, "Yeah".

We got to the diner and sat at a booth, "what are you going to get" I asked Mattia. "I don't know" he answered.

Then the waiter came, it was a guy, "what can I get for you sweetheart" I looked up at Mattia and saw his jaw clenched "umm I'll get a hamburger with fries".

"And you sir," he said looking at Mattia, "same as her," he said pointing at me, he grabbed our menus and left.

"He was trying to flirt with you" Mattia whispered, a smirk grew on my face "I know," I said trying not to laugh.

"Aren't you going to do something?" he said in a mad voice. "Your acting like he has a chance", Mattia laughed a little.


I turned my head towards the flash but saw nothing. I sighed and Mattia said "Are you okay", "yeah" I muttered.

Soon the guy came back with our food, "enjoy" he said to me and Mattia as he left. I turned to Mattia and was about to say something but got cut off by Mark.

"Megan!" He yelled from across the restaurant, multiple heads turned my direction making my cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"I didn't expect to see you here," he said while scooting next to me. 'I don't wanna see him' I mouthed to Mattia making sure mark didn't see.

"So what do you do for a living," I asked Mark trying to start a conversation so Mattia can think of an excuse, "I'm a photographer" he stated. I froze maybe he's the one taking pictures of me.

No stop overreacting Megan, "That's cool" I said while biting on my nail. 'Get him out' I mouthed, "Me and Megan were having a date so can you leave," Mattia said with an attitude.

Mark lifted his eyebrow, "it was nice seeing you" he said while giving Mattia a dirty look. Mattia looked at me and said "if he doesn't cut the shit I will kill him" I shrugged my shoulders not really caring if he did or didn't.

Once we were done eating, Mattia took me back to the apartments. "Can you stay?" I asked I was scared "sure" he responded.

Get ready for a little smut next chapter 🙈

Ty for 50k 😝


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