Chapter 13

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"Taylor stay in the car," I said while I unbuckled my seatbelt, "No" she screamed. "Why did you bring me if I'm not going to help".

"Idgaf what you guys say I'm coming" "Just let her come dude" Alejandro groaned. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, Taylor, and Alejandro following shortly behind me.

I tried twisting the doorknob to the front door and to my surprise it was open. I opened the door quietly and took out my gun.

"He is probably in the basement" I whispered to Alejandro, he looked at me and nodded his head.

We looked for the basement and finally found it, Alejandro was about to bust the door open, but I stopped him.

I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything, "I l-love y-you too, just d-not hurt M-Mattia please we c-can build a life t-together" I heard Megan cry.

I clenched my fist and busted the door open to see Mark trying to kiss Megan, I tackled him to the floor and started punching him. Somehow he got on top of me and started punching me but Alejandro got him off.

He stood up and I pointed my gun to his head, "You're not the only one with a gun" he said while taking his gun out as well.

"If I can't have her nobody can" he screamed while pointing his gun at Megan.


"I thought you said you weren't going to hurt me" I screamed back, tears running down my face. "Change of plans sweetheart" he muttered under his breath.

I clenched my eyes shut and my jaw.


2 days later

Alejandro woke up feeling empty, he did his morning routine and decided that he was going to visit Megan.


He knocked on her door, but nobody answered. He got worried a little so he creaked opened her door.

He saw Megan, sitting on her bed staring at the ceiling, tears flooding her eyes. She looked numb, he sighed and sat next to her.

She looked at him and said "this is all my fault" "it's not your fault Taylor died".

"Alejandro it is my fault, she got in front of me, and" Megan couldn't say what she wanted to say because she knew it would result in crying.

"Look it's not your fault okay," he said as he got up, he grabbed a paper and a pencil and said, "When I'm mad I write how I feel".

He looked at me and said "I'll come back later, I was just checking up on you" "Alejandro" I yelled, he turned around, "Tell Mattia that I said I said I hope his dad feels better" he gave me a small smile and he shook his head yes.




I didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes to see Taylor on the floor, bleeding from her stomach .I ran up to her and tried to stop the bleeding with my hands.

"Taylor, just stay awake, okay" she didn't respond I saw her eye starting to close "I love you" she whispered.

"NO TAYLOR, DON'T SAY THAT, YOU ARE GOING TO SURVIVE" I screamed, "Goodbye" "NO, NO TAYLOR!, TAYLOR !" I yelled while slapping her cheek lightly.

"please Taylor, please you can't leave me,please" I mumbled while putting my head on her chest.

I looked up and saw Mark laying on the floor. I didn't feel no sympathy for him, he deserved to die.

I looked at Mattia and said "what are we going to do now" before he could say anything his phone rang.

While he was talking on the phone I saw his face expression change to a worried one. "I-I got to go my dads in the hospital".

I nodded my head as a sign of approval and he left.

End of flash back

Megan took a deep breath and grabbed the pencil and paper.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to describe how I feel, I've been trying for at least an hour and been getting nowhere with it. The best thing that I can describe is that I'm drowning in honey so everything's slowed down even if I wanted to I can't move faster. Inside I feel numb but at the same time incredible amounts of pain that never leaves even if I'm doing something that I once enjoyed. All colors around me that once were really bright and pretty now look sort of a dull grey color. I feel like I try so hard, yet nothing is ever good enough. It's wanting to be loved and understood but then being disappointed in others and myself. I feel like I'm a disappointment and everybody knows it but they just don't want to hurt my feelings.

I put down my pencil and cried, It felt nice to let everything out but it still didn't change the way I felt.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now