Chapter 15 ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 1

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Mattia went back to his house relieved he didn't expect Megan to act the way she acted, she acted positive.


He walked back into his room and replayed the tape.

"But somehow his dad found out and now he has 2 men trying to kill me".

"2 men," he said out loud "2 MEN" he yelled. Mattia knew 2 Men and he didn't want to believe it but anything could happen.

Mattia put the videotape in his back pocket and walked downstairs. There he saw 2 boys watching Tv, "Can I talk to you guys for a second?" Mattia asked while grabbing the remote and pausing the Tv.

The 2 boys in front of him nodded and gave their full attention to him. "Did you guys kill Kathy" "No we would never do that to you" Kairi replied.

"Umm new flash we were friends with her too" Alejandro added to Kairi's statement. I took a deep breath and sighed "Thank god, I wouldn't know what to do if you guys did kill her".

"Well, then who killed her" Kairi mumbled. The 3 boys sat there thinking "When was the last time you talked to Sebastien and Samy" Alejandro spoke up.

"I forgot about them" I stated "They're probably at the warehouse," Alejandro said causing the 2 boys in front of him to shake their head in agreement.


The 3 boys finally got to the warehouse and they walked in, there they saw Sebastien and Samy with girls all over them. Mattia made eye contact with Sebastien and he yelled"Lady's can you wait in the rooms".

The girls giggled and did what he asked. Once the girls left Mattia immediately took out his gun and pointed it towards Sebastien.

"Did you kill Kathy?" Mattia said in a stern tone. "Kathy?, yeah I killed her, haha and before that, we had a little fun, oh that girl knows how to pleasure a boy-" before Sebastien could finish his sentence Mattia dropped his gun and started punching Sebastien repeatedly in the jaw.

Mattia got up and spit on Sebastien "Pull some shit like that again I'll kill you" Mattia muttered as he walked out the door, Kairi and Alejandro following after him.


Megan sat on her bed binge-watching The Vampire Diaries. She wasn't as sad as she expected she would.

She sat up and paused the Tv, she went downstairs and grabbed a cup of water. As she filled her cup of water she heard something.

She looked behind her and saw nothing. She had this bad feeling in her stomach she immediately started walking towards the knife area, grabbing one and tucking it into her pants.

She turned back around only to face a tall man with a smile on his face. She immediately let out a loud shriek, causing him to cover her mouth with his hand.

She grabbed the knife that was tucked in her pants and stabbed him. That gave Megan enough time to get out of his grasp.

Megan ran upstairs and looked behind her only to see that the man was chasing after her. And without noticing it she bumped into something causing her to blackout.


She opened her eyes only to see the guy putting on his pants. She then got flashbacks of what happened, she felt Numb. Tears went down her face she couldn't believe what just happened.

The man got closer to her and fixed up her clothes meanwhile Megan was fake sleeping. "Boss is going to be happy to see you," he said as he snickered at the end.

"Maybe I should go for a round 2," he said muttered thinking out loud. Megan's body began shaking she didn't want to go for a round 2 "NO" she shrieked.

A smirk appeared on his face "DONT GIVE ME AN ATTITUDE" and with that, he hit her in the stomach causing her to blackout again.


☁︎︎ Season 2 coming out soon ☁︎︎

 ☁︎︎ Season 2 coming out soon ☁︎︎

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Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now