Chapter 2

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"HELP" I shrieked, "There is no point, just wait a few more hours the Boss wants to see you" the boy standing next to the door said.

"Is he going to rape me too" I muttered under my breath, my eyes got watery from remembering what happened. "WHAT" the boy yelled, I stayed silent.

He balled his hands into fists and said "I'll be right back", I was confused.

A few minutes later

He came back with blood on his hands and shirt. "What happened" " N-Nobody should go through t-that," he said stuttering a little.

He turned away so he wasn't facing me anymore. I knew something was wrong, "My sister went through the same thing and killed herself because of how much it affected her," he said in a low tone.

My heart hurt, this was too much to handle. My eyes were starting to close and I could feel my body lighten.


I got woken up by the boy that's always standing next to the door. "Boss is here" he whispered while untying my legs and hands.

"Mariano hurry up and bring her up here" someone yelled from upstairs. "She is coming," he said while pulling my hand.

We walked out of the room and made our way to this office space. "Good luck," Mariano said as he opened the door for me.

I smiled at him and walked through the door to see an older looking man looking at me. A smile appeared on his face and said "Hello" "who are you" I blurted out.

"You don't recognize me, I'm your Father" my heart dropped.


I walked inside her house and Emily was right she was gone. I went back to my house and saw Kairi and Alejandro waiting for me.

I walked into the computer room and hacked into the neighbors camera system. "What are you doing," Kairi said while walking in, Alejandro following him.

"I'm trying to see what happened," I said while pressing videos to serval cameras. I kept skipping until I saw someone come out of the house.

"There," Alejandro shouted, I zoomed in and played the video.

There was a guy he didn't have a shirt on and was carrying Megan bridle style, she looked like she was blacked out. He threw her in the car and then it started shaking rapidly.

I immediately paused the video and ran into my room. I screamed into my pillow, I was furious. I stood up and started punching my wall repeatedly. My heart hurt.

"We got an address," Kairi said while walking in the room. "How" "we tracked his license plate" Kairi replied.

I took a deep breath and made my way towards the car. Kairi and Alejandro following me, we got to the location and I got out of my car.


"You are not my father, you don't even get that title your a stranger. You don't know what I've been through while I was here" Megan screamed at the man in front of her.

The man lifted up his eyebrow "Oh you didn't know that one of your men raped me multiple times, maybe even more but I was knocked out from him beating me" Megan yelled.

The man was left speech left he didn't know what to do. But little did she know that 3 boys were watching her while they were having that conversation.

There might be speeding mistakes but to lazy to check 👻


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now