Chapter 10

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I pulled up in my driveway and saw a tall figure standing next to my door. I got out of my car and started walking towards my house.

"You gonna come in," I said as I opened the door. "After you, my lady" Mattia said as he held the door open for me.

I gave him a small smile and walked into my house "You can stay in the living room while I take a shower" I said as I walked upstairs.

He nodded his head and I made my way to my room. I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the warm water.

I did my hair and washed my body. I got out the shower and grabbed a towel, I looked for where I usually put my clothes and realized I didn't grab them.

I walked to my room and grabbed some clothes. I looked at myself through my vanity and smiled. I dropped my towel and started putting on my clothes.

Once I was done I saw a little Cotten ball in my hair. I focused on the mirror a little more and saw someone on my bed.

I looked behind and me, "Ahhhh" I screamed as I sprung up. "Nice ass," Mattia said, I took a deep breath and put my hand over my chest.

"You scared me" I looked down and saw a bulge in his pants. I rolled my eyes and put some perfume and deodorant on myself.

I sat down next to Mattia and said "Tell me about yourself" "me, there's nothing important about me" he said.

"As long as it's about you guys it's important," I said as I put my head on his shoulder. "When is your birthday" "May 16," he said making me smile.

"That's in a few days are you gonna throw a party or something," I asked and he let out a laugh. "No, I'm probably going to be hanging out with you".

It went silent, I put my head in his chest and wrapped one of my legs again his.

"Can you talk to me?" I said "Just talk, your voice is calming to me" I added. He smirked and said, "Well umm my dad was proud of me because you know those drugs that josh had they were priceless and they helped our business a lot-".

Mattia got cut off by a loud bang coming from downstairs "Megan I know your here" Josh screamed from downstairs.

"I thought that motherfucker died" Mattia whispered. I was confused "what do you mean?" "I sent some of my men to kill him, why does he keep coming back".

Mattia stood up "Stay here I'll handle it" he stated.

I sighed and said "be safe" he smiled at me and nodded.

I sat on my bed and closed my eyes.


I heard grunts and stuff falling from downstairs, then I heard a gunshot. My eyes immediately sprang open.

I ran downstairs and saw josh holding a gun up to Mattia's head. "Put the gun down josh," I said walking closer to him.

He smiled at me "I will only let him go if you let me fuck you in front of him" "YOUR PSYCHO" I screamed. "If you lay a hand on her I will kill you, for good josh," Mattia said before josh hit him.

Then Josh threw another punch at him than another, then another. "FINE" I screamed "Good girl," josh said walking towards me.

Josh put the gun in his back pocket and I looked at Mattia. All I could see was madness I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

No, I wasn't going to let josh fuck me. I had a plan, Josh started kissing me and I kissed him back I wrapped my arms around his back.

I moved them downer and downer then I grabbed his gun and used my knee to punch him in the balls.
"I'm sorry," I said as I looked away and pulled the trigger.

I heard josh groan and I ran to Mattia.


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