Chapter 7

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Megan woke up feeling Nauseous. She quickly ran to her bathroom and started throwing up. Once she stopped she washed her face and turned on the shower.

She slid her clothes off and stepped in the warm water. She did her shower routine and got out.

She put on some comfy clothes and made herself some hot chocolate. She sat down on her couch and turned on The Vampire Diaries.

Then she started feeling like she was going to vomit again. So she speed-walked to her sink and started throwing up.

Megan decided that she was going to go to the Doctors. But before she went she called in at work and said that she couldn't make it.


The Doctor came into the room and said "You were food poisoned, but it's nothing to be worried about".

Megan felt relived a little part of her thought she was pregnant. But she wasn't, she soon left the hospital and went back home.

The next day

I stared at the picture that was pinned on my vanity. "I miss you, Kathy," I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

Kathy was my older sister and I loved her with all my heart. My parents abandoned me and her and we made a living out of it.

She was the only person I could trust but she would keep secrets away from me. She would sneak out and I was worried about her.

But one day she didn't come back. The cops came to our house and told me she was dead.

I took a deep breath and looked at myself through the mirror. Then I heard a knock, I opened the door and saw JOSH.

Except he had bruises and blood on his body everywhere. He barged in and said "You did this to me" he yelled as he grabbed my hair.

He socked me in the face and grabbed my chin. "You are mine till the day I die". He slapped me and punched me in the stomach.

"Ouch," I said he was about to hit me but he got a phone call. He took a deep breath and changed his facial expression.

He walked away and started talking. I was curious so I walked a little closer to him and tried to hear what he was saying "Riverfront Docks be there at 10:00 so we can trade the drugs, end of conversation" my eyes widened.

I went back to the spot I was originally and looked down. He came back and said "I need to go but I love you" "I love you too," I said back with a fake smile.

He left and I sat on my couch. Then all of a sudden the door opened again. Showing an angry Mattia.


"You can't let those drugs getaway, their priceless" my dad yelled at me. "Me and the boys have been looking everywhere for them," I said.

"If you can't find these drugs then how do I know you are ready to be capo" my dad screamed at me. I became furious I've trained to be capo since I was 11 and for him to question about how I'm doing made me mad.

I walked out of the room slamming the door. I got into my car and just drove. Somehow I got to Megan's house.

I walked in and she looked at me. She had multiple bruises on her face. My angry expression turned into a worried one.


"Are you okay?" he said as he walked up to me. "Yeah" I stated and gave him a small smile "Josh came" I blurted out.

He sat next to me and I laid my head on his lap. "Did he hurt you?" he said looking down. "Do you not see my face?" I said while laughing a little.

"I am going to kill him for reals this time," he said while gripping onto the couch. "I think he is in a mafia or something," I said while looking at Mattia.

He looked at me and said, "why is that" "he had to make a phone call so I followed him and he was all like 'Riverfront Docks be there at 10:00 so we can trade drugs blah blah blah' ".

His eyes widened, he stood up and pulled me into a hug. "Why are you so excited," I said while laughing. He looked at me and then my lips.

He pulled me into a kiss and I was surprised so I didn't kiss back. "I-I'm sorry" "I should go," he said while walking out my door.

Before I could say something he was already gone.


Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now