Chapter 4

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Megan heard the sound of talking "Yeah I'll be there in a few minutes, I just got to do something first" "okay, yeah bye" she heard someone say.

Mattia picked up her hand interlocking it with his "I'll be back later, I lo-" Mattia couldn't bring himself to say it. He knew that this was all his fault.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

Megan opened her eye and tried to get up but it hurt like hell. She looked at her surroundings and noticed she was in a hospital.

She laid back down and thought, thoughts like.

what would my life be like if I never met Mattia?

Do I like him or maybe even love him?

Megan took a deep breath, then a nurse came in. "How are you feeling" "I'm in a lot of pain," she said while putting her hand on her chest.

"Do you want some pain medication" "yeah" Megan answered the nurse. The nurse nodded her head and left the room. Megan put a strand of hair behind her ear and tried rethinking what happened.

Then she remembered her father shot her, She was emotionless. She knew there was only one thing to do but it would make the chaos stop.

And that was to leave New Jersey.

Sorry for the short chapter 👽.

Homicide-Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now